Current environmental thinking is geared to reducing carbon emissions. But what about all the other pollutants in the atmosphere?

For example, nitrogen oxides can contribute to asthmatic and bronchial problems and can interfere with the environment's delicate nitrogen cycle. Britain’s NOx emissions, in part a result of the fertilisers and fossil fuels we use, measured 1.6 tonnes in 2004; the government target for 2010 is for a reduction to 1.17 tonnes.

Roofing manufacturer Marley Eternit has launched a pollution-absorbing roof tile coating called EcoLogic designed to counter this problem. The coating contains a catalyst, titanium dioxide, that accelerates the removal of pollutants when activated by the sun’s rays. Under ultraviolet rays, the titanium dioxide converts NOx into nitric acid ions, which are neutralised by the lime and calcium carbonate in the concrete. When averaged out over a year, 100m2 of coated roof tiles will absorb about 4.5g of NOx per day, according to the company.

The coating is designed to be applied to the company’s Ludlow Major roof tile, which it says uses a higher than average amount of recycled material.

Marley Eternit