All Case studies articles – Page 15

  • Crossrail

    Crossrail: Pulling out all the stops


    Crossrail - the biggest engineering project in Europe - also claims to be a driver for multimillion-pound regeneration in the capital. Ike Ijeh takes a look at three key stations along the route and asks how much Londoners will really benefit

  • Mary Rose

    The Mary Rose museum: Hidden treasure


    The Mary Rose museum is ready for fit-out but to get to this point the contractor had to build around the ancient hull, keeping it at a constant temperature to allow restoration to be uninterrrupted. Thomas Lane found out how the team handled an historic gem

  • Wind turbine

    Offshore wind farms: Winds of change


    Tidal turbine technology is changing fast and offshore wind turbines are getting bigger, so the government-backed firm Narec is investing £80m into its testing facilities to simulate the harsh conditions at sea. Thomas Lane explains

  • Cutty Sark

    Special projects: Cutty Sark - the crystal ship


    The world’s last surviving tea clipper has risen again - not just restored, but dramatically suspended in a vast diagrid glass canopy. Ike Ijeh looks around - and underneath - Grimshaw Architects’ impressive renovation

  • Historic Olympics

    The Olympics: After the party's over


    This year’s Olympics will not be the first time that London has hosted a global event of historic proportions, but what were the legacies of our previous efforts? Ike Ijeh tells a tale of grand museums, hallowed turfs and mass installation public toilets …

  • Titanic - Belfast

    The Titanic Belfast: The ship comes home


    The Titanic museum in Belfast is a striking and poignant memorial to a vessel whose history is intrisically intertwined with that of the city. Ike Ijeh reports

  • BFLS building awards

    The ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø Awards shortlist 2012


    Sixteen buildings - including laboratories, galleries, banks, the UK’s second tallest building and a space-shuttle-strength storage facility - are vying for two top prizes at this year’s ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø Awards. Ike Ijeh runs down the shortlist

  • ITER

    France's nuclear fusion reactor: The hottest and coldest place on earth


    ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø goes on the trail of the ITER - a £12.5bn multinational project that might just save the world …

  • Kings X

    King's Cross Western Concourse: Space Travel


    John McAslan’s 8,500m2 Western Concourse at King’s Cross is transport architecture on an epic scale, returning the station to the grandeur of the golden age of trave. Just a shame about the glazing …

  • Exhibition Road

    Best supporting acts: The ICE awards


    Beneath Londoners’ feet, on their roads and in their stations, the city is undergoing arguably its biggest transformation since the Victorian age. The ICE awards, held last week, celebrated the cream of this current wave of infrastructure projects. Thomas Lane rounds up the winners

  • Hospital

    Redeveloping Bart's and Royal London hospitals


    It was tempting to hang a ‘do not resuscitate’ sign on two dingy, barely accessible London hospitals, but Skanska’s redevelopment of the sites has made them functional again - which should perk up medical staff and patients alike

  • No Olympic venues

    Regional Olympic sites: The out-of-towners


    It really isn’t just about London … Ike Ijeh casts an eye over the Olympic-related developments, upgrades and refurbishments that have taken place across the UK, from the white-water rapids of Hertfordshire to the 53m-high Weymouth Tower

  • Birmingham University

    From 1900 to 2012: Finishing the University of Birmingham


    Aston Webb’s grand semi-circle of buildings conceived for Birmingham university in 1900 was the original redbrick campus. But only four of its five neo-Byzantine pavilions were ever built. Now Glenn Howells Architects and Bam have finished the job. ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø reports

  • Marks and Spencer

    Sustainable supermarket: M&S's new Cheshire Oaks store


    At this enormous store in Chester, M&S is putting its Plan A sustainability programme to the test. And from the zero-waste policy to the innovative use of natural materials, all the evidence suggests that this is one plan A that is actually working … ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø reports

  • Specifier

    Cladding the Dorchester extension: The rich kid next door


    When you’re building a hotel for the young and fabulously wealthy, bronze cladding may not sound excessive, but it was still proving beyond the means of the team behind the Dorchester’s new extension project - until they discovered a spray-applied alternative … ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø reports

  • Exhibition Road

    Exhibition Road: Walkin' & wheels


    Dixon Jones’ £28m reworking of South Kensington’s great museum quarter, Exhibition Road, resolves the long stand-off between pedestrians and cars by allowing them to share the same space. Ike Ijeh is knocked over by the simplicity of the design. Photographs by Tim Crocker

  • Surrey City Centre Library

    Canada's bold new library: Can we borrow it?


    A city near Vancouver has taken a bold approach with its new public library - throwing out traditional study spaces and pioneering design by social media. Could it provide a template for our own beleaguered institutions? Ike Ijeh reports

  • Projects of the year 2011

    Projects of 2011


    Arts-led regeneration projects, rail upgrades, Olympic venues, luxury flats and an opulently refurbished hotel all defied the downturn. Thomas Lane and Ike Ijeh revisit some of the splendours

  • Farringdon station

    Farringdon station overhaul: Boring? If only!


    London’s Farringdon station has been given an overhaul and is ready for more passengers, bigger trains and Crossrail. But it hasn’t been an easy ride - and digging a 140m tunnel by hand was the least of it. By Thomas Lane. Photography by Colin Streater

  • Hydropower

    Hydropower: Water works


    With all the controversy over solar, you’d be forgiven for forgetting that hydropower produces a thousand times more electricity. ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø investigates a power source that could light up the industry