All Case studies articles – Page 16

  • Centrepoint

    The notorious work of Richard Seifert


    Ten years after Richard Seifert’s death, Ike Ijeh asks how some of his most well-known works have shaped the architecture of modern Britain - and how controversial they really were

  • tate

    Arts-led regeneration projects: Join the culture club


    These days museums, art galleries and concert halls are built not for their own sake but in the hope they can transform deprived urban wastelands into vibrant communities. Ike Ijeh looks at the resounding successes - and some abject failures

  • Floating House

    Flood-proof house: Home and dry


    Would you build a house on the Norfolk Broads, one of the most flood-prone areas of the UK? LSI Architects did and its sophisticated design meant getting the project through planning was plain sailing.

  • Free schools

    Free school conversions: Making the switch


    The government went out of its way to make it easier for free schools to be formed in non-school buildings by easing planning laws. So now that they’ve opened their doors, do they actually work? Take a look at two very different conversions…

  • projects

    University of the Arts: The art of simplicity


    The new University of the Arts campus exudes creativity. Ike Ijeh visits the recently converted King’s Cross Granary to find a building that melds old and new, industry and art and provides a home for the next generation of designers

  • orbit 3

    The ArcelorMittal Orbit: Twist and shout


    The ArcelorMittal Orbit in the Olympic park is being built to ‘arouse the curiosity and wonder of Londoners’. And the most curious thing of all is how this spiralling confusion of red steel actually stands up

  • Colchester Art Centre

    Rafael Viñoly's Firstsite centre: show time


    Rafael Viñoly’s latest UK building finally takes centre stage, but why was it nearly undone by delays, overspends and legal spats? Thomas Lane reports, while below Ike Ijeh asks if it was worth all the pain

  • Westfield

    Westfield Stratford City: Maxing out


    Westfield Stratford City in east London - dead handy for the Olympic park - is Europe’s biggest urban shopping centre, a retail behemoth so large it is really a city within a city with more than 300 shops and 2 million ft2 of retail and leisure space. Ike Ijeh goes ...

  • projects

    Tall building design: Is it safe?


    Ten years ago the world watched two of New York’s most iconic towers come crashing to the ground. Since then the industry has changed the way tall buildings are built in an attempt to make them terror proof. ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø takes a look

  • Icon

    The iCon centre: the beginning of something beautiful


    These days, ’green building’ is often synonymous with ’ugly architecture’. One project trying to prove otherwise is the iCon Innovation Centre in Northamptonshire. With a carbon footprint of only 12.2kg/m2 and a bold architectural identity, is this a sign of a new era for eco?

  • Montgomery Passivhaus School

    Top of the class: Passivhaus school design


    A primary school in Exeter won’t win any architectural awards, but is earning gold stars in zero-carbon and Passivhaus design. Thomas Lane swots up on how to deliver a low-energy building on a budget

  • Housing Expert

    Brettstapel envelope: The natural choice


    Getting planning permission to build a house in the stunning Scottish Borders requires a sensitive design, which is why architect Gaia specified a wooden Brettstapel envelope for this project

  • bim1

    BIM: The inside story


    In recent weeks we’ve heard all about BIM - its advantages, the sharing principle, the downfalls,the training needed and the cost, but what does it all actually mean? Thomas Lane follows one BIMed-up project from beginning to end

  • museum

    The National Maritime Museum: Time and a place


    The National Maritime Museum’s £35m extension reconciles the rich architectural heritage of its Greenwich home with the need to provide thoroughly modern facilities. ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø celebrates a building firmly anchored to its surroundings

  • Projects, West Suffolk House

    Post occupancy: Is your building really so green?


    How do low-energy buildings perform? The best way to find out is to test them once they’ve been used. In the first of two articles, Thomas Lane reveals whether two new offices lived up to their promises

  • Kings X

    King's Cross station's £500m redevelopment: King of King's


    King’s Cross station was long ago toppled from its architectural throne by neighbouring St Pancras. But a £500m refurbishment is about to make it a terminus worthy of the people

  • Gensler's Shanghai Tower

    BIM builds up: Five recent innovations in BIM


    Simulated cities, 5D modelling and virtually visualised bridges – BIM is advancing and extending into all disciplines and stages of a project, including post completion. Here we look at the latest developments and assess their impact on construction

  • fact3

    Tesco's green specification process: Every little helps


    Supermarkets don’t like to be beaten on price - or on their environmental credentials. To get ahead of the competition, Tesco is now testing every bit of green kit it can lay its hands on to build zero-carbon stores. ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø reports on the savings

  • The Shard

    The Shard: London's tallest building


    Londoners have hardly been able to believe their eyes as the capital’s tallest building has shot up in front of them at dizzying speed. ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø braves icy winds to report on an engineering triumph

  • Hepworth

    Sculpting the Hepworth


    Art meets industry in David Chipperfield’s Hepworth Wakefield gallery, reflecting two facets of its Yorkshire location’s heritage. But is this work of art devoid of humanity?