Boss of Olympic Delivery Authority tops list that includes HCA and PfS staff

Staff at construction quangos form a large part of the list of public sector employees earning more than the prime minister, published today.

David Higgins, chief executive of the Olympic Delivery Authority, is the highest paid public construction employee, earning up to 拢394,999 per year, and one of 11 people at the agency who made it on to the 332-strong list. Seven people at the body earn more than 拢200,000 a year.

However, the ODA is by no means the only construction quango to have highly paid bosses. Four executives at both the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) and the Olympic Park Legacy Company are on the list, including HCA chief executive Sir Bob Kerslake (拢220-224,999), and legacy company chief executive Andrew Altman (拢195-199,999).

In contrast, just one person from Partnerships for Schools, chief executive Tim Byles, was on the list, earning 拢215,000-219,999). Other relevant staff include three from the Office of Government Commerce, which is supposed to oversee efficient government procurement, and eight staff from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, which spends 拢2.2bn per year with contractors.

Pam Alexander, chief executive of the soon-to-be-abolished South East of England Development Agency, is the only regional development agency boss to appear on the list, earning 拢150-154,999 a year.

Eight staff from the Audit Commission, set up to ensure value for money in government spending, earn more than the prime minister鈥檚 拢150,000.

Francis Maude, minister for the Cabinet Office, who also chairs the new Public Sector Transparency Board, said: 鈥淲e are absolutely committed to acting quickly on pledges to release information that will allow everyone to hold their politicians and public bodies to account. I believe this will not only increase accountability, but will lead to more efficient public service organisations.鈥