All articles by Katie Puckett – Page 6

  • Features

    If I didn’t work in construction ...


    Not many industries offer the chance to plan the world’s greatest sporting extravaganzas, help to rebuild regions ravaged by natural disasters or live with penguins. Here’s one that does.

  • Features

    High scoring letters


    A new qualification, the CEnv for sustainability specialists, has joined a crowded marketplace. But is it worth adding yet more letters after your name?

  • The Cantelocals design team from left to right: Jeremy Donaldson, Hareth Pochee, Matt Elms and Perry Wilson

    Chairman of the board


    Ten years in construction and 20 on a skateboard, Matt Elms is perfectly qualified to turn a patch of north London into heaven with a half-pipe.

  • Jenny Watson

    Getting even


    As chair of the Equal Opportunities Commission, Jenny Watson will be in charge of enforcing the gender equality rules that are about to come into force. And given the industry’s dismal record on recruiting women, it had better look out.

  • Features

    Phase One is complete


    ڶ’s inaugural networking event proved a hit with the industry’s new professionals

  • Modus’ clients include banking group Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander, for whom it fitted out this reception area

    On dangerous ground


    Company focus The dotcom disaster taught fit-out firm Modus Group to take nothing for granted

  • David Tuffin (left) and Kevin Bundy

    Eyeball to eyeball


    In the first in a series of close encounters, new members of professional institutions ask their leaders some tough questions. First up is Kevin Bundy, one of ڶ’s graduate advisers, who wants the RICS’ new president to explain why the subs are so high, what members get for them and, ...

  • Features

    They love me. they love me not. they love me ...


    The RIBA went all out in Valentine’s week to give fledgling architecture practices a chance to seduce Olympic decision-makers. Katie Puckett went along to the speed-dating spectacular and found that romance isn’t dead

  • cartoon of people in building

    Life, or something quite like it


    Second Life is the virtual world that has its own businesses, currency and an exchange rate with real money. And where there’s real money, developers are never far behind. Katie Puckett steps ‘in-world’ as Katarina Rockett (she’s the one with the red bunches) to investigate the world’s first virtual construction ...

  • New York

    Hello world, we are Nokia


    Nokia’s global network of high-tech outlets is about to hit London. Katie Puckett went to Finland to see if they really make the Apple store look like ‘Little House on the Prairie’

  • Have you got what it takes? image 1

    Have you got what it takes?


    Clients have got a new way of testing the mettle of a bid team – by simulating a project that’s going up in smoke and down in flames and watching what happens next. Katie Puckett finds out how the process works – and how to beat it

  • Features

    Hundreds of new carpets, lights, doors, furniture ... and it all ends up in a skip. Call that sustainable?


    The property industry has just begun to notice the sheer unrestrained waste of speculative fit-outs. But what are they going to do about it? Katie Puckett unravels the madness

  • Styles & Wood focuses on top-end retail clients, such as Marks & Spencer

    This year’s Styles


    BIG PLANS — Shopfitter Styles & Wood is looking forward to a spending spree – and a new look

  • Honda in the fast lane: ڶ a car image 9

    A well-oiled machine


    Honda’s construction team has taken inspiration from the company’s car production lines to keep its projects purring smoothly

  • Features

    Oh my god, I didn’t


    Ah, but the sick lump of fear in your stomach tells you that you did – and now you have to go to work and cope with the fall-out. Lydia Stockdale and Katie Puckett report on how to make sure your Christmas party antics don’t ruin your career …

  • Features

    Who calls the shots?


    Main contractors and specialists are engaged in a struggle to seize power in the construction industry. Who will come out on top? Katie Puckett reports from ringside

  • Samantha Stevens

    “Once in a while you pinch yourself and realise how lucky you are to be working on such a great project …”


    For construction professionals 2012 is a once-in-a-career opportunity. Katie Puckett talks to three of the fortunate ones about the thrill of masterplanning the Lower Lea Valley, tunnelling power lines and decontaminating land

  • David Higgins

    Let the Games begin …


    For David Higgins, the man in charge of delivering the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, the clock is ticking. Katie Puckett talks to him about how he’s keeping the programme on track and overleaf reveals the plans for the venues

  • News

    School procurement comes under fire as delays mount


    ڶ programme falling well behind, according to figures from construction products body

  • Features

    ‘It’s a marvellous thing to do, but it’s a stupid way of doing it‘


    So says the assistant headteacher of this school in Bradford, which was meant to show what the government’s flagship school building programme will do for Britain’s children. Instead, it’s more evidence of how it’s failing them.