All articles by Katie Puckett – Page 5

  • News

    Crossrail to found London skills academy


    Crossrail will open a dedicated skills academy in London next summer to train workers to build the rail link.

  • Features

    Top 250 Consultants 2007: The age of expansion


    With all the talk of credit crunches and stalled projects, it’s possible to forget what a staggeringly successful time this is for consultants – as our annual league of the top 250 makes clear.

  • Invisible man

    The invisible client


    Repair work for insurers can be a lucrative income stream for small builders. But first, you have to unravel the enigma of who your real client is.

  • From left to right: Andy Tooley, Paul Gredley,  Steve Oakford, Martin Price, Paul Norman, Andy Marr, Wayne Ramson, Nigel Bellamy

    The fit-out philosophers


    8build was formed by senior managers at ISG who spent years observing the follies and failings of the traditional industry – and set out to solve them with their own company. Katie Puckett finds out more about their thinking

  • Features

    Crossrail starts here


    Eighteen years after the idea of a rail line running east to west through London was mooted, all that has actually been done is to dig this large hole. But, as Gordon Brown prepares to announce a funding strategy in his conference speech next week, that may be about to ...

  • News

    Small builders miss out on public sector jobs


    A third of SMEs in survey said they were doing less work in the public sector than five years ago

  • News

    Small builders miss out on public sector jobs


    Small contractors are losing out to national firms on “bread and butter” minor works for public sector clients, a survey of SMEs has found.

  • Features

    ‘Someone might come in wearing polka dot socks that I don’t like and I think, oh dear, but they might produce brilliant buildings’


    Derwent London’s Simon Silver likes to champion exciting young architects. And now that the developer has doubled its portfolio, he can offer them bigger commissions than ever before. Just get a little sartorial advice before you make your pitch.

  • Features

    The men who got left behind


    Increased public sector spending was supposed to be great news for construction firms. But, according to a survey released this week, these local contractors have missed out on the bonanza. Katie Puckett finds out why the growth of framework agreements is threatening the industry’s smaller businesses

  • Features

    Rafa: get me Davis Langdon!


    Reds boss tells board to sign ‘classy’ cost consultant

  • Features

    Phase one, take two


    Young Mancunians were out in force at ڶ’s second networking party last Wednesday

  • Features

    ‘I just feel the whole system is rather stupid’ — One man’s 14-year battle with the planning laws


    Gerald Ringe had one of those classic dreams: buy an old wreck in the country and turn it into a rural retreat. But he hadn’t counted on the idiosyncrasies of our planning system. Fourteen years after his first planning application, he’s finally giving up. He tells Katie Puckett why…

  • Phase one Manchester

    Phase One hits the North


    ڶ's second networking event for new professionals took place in Manchester this week - and the blue cocktail made a welcome return

  • Features

    How to attract students


    Lots of construction companies do university milk rounds, but which come away with the cream? Katie Puckett asked six why they chose their employer – and if they were ever let out early to go the pub

  • Features

    In times of famine


    In the second part of our shortages series Katie Puckett examines how the ever-increasing demand from Asia and Europe is pushing the price of raw materials sky high

  • Features

    Who’s getting their hooks into you?


    As order books grow to unfeasible lengths, firms are increasingly desperate to recruit. Unfortunately, they’re all fishing in each other’s pond, with increasingly evil results.

  • A Considerate Constructors site

    Considerate Constructors to sign up clients


    Grosvenor Estates and Tesco among firms set to join group that monitors site standards

  • Ben Stevenson

    The class of 1997


    Tony isn’t the only one who had an eventful decade. These industry professionals all graduated in 1997 and have been climbing the career ladder ever since. Katie Puckett asks them if things really did get better, for them and for construction

  • Features

    Have you seen BT’s new mobile?


    BT’s property team don’t sit behind desks. They use the latest technology to work from home, clients’ offices and ‘touchdown’ points around the UK. And soon they’ll expect you to do the same

  • Silverstein: his guided tour of Ground Zero was a conference highlight

    Learning to think big in the land of the skyscraper


    New York was the location for last week’s annual conference of the British Council for Offices