All articles by Katie Puckett – Page 3

  • Features

    Brave new world


    Many companies are mounting expeditions abroad to escape the UK downturn, but with global expansion comes a whole set of interesting problems.

  • Phase One Global

    ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø meets art at Bristol Phase One


    Architects from White Design were among those speaking at ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø's event for new construction professionals

  • Aldar's Al Raha Beach will stretch over 11km of waterfront and house 120,000 people. Its infrastructure has been meticulously planned, with a light rail transit system, catamarans and ferries and pedestrian routes throughout

    Gulf developers: the next generation


    It’s not just about being the biggest, tallest and loudest anymore. Gulf developers have started to take urban planning, ecology and regeneration very seriously indeed. And if they happen to be better at it than anybody else, then so be it...

  • Burj Dubai

    Burj Dubai: Top of the world


    The designers of the Burj Dubai tell Katie Puckett how they tackled a very tall order

  • Gulf Facilities

    Gulf facilities management: Keeping up appearances


    The Gulf states were slow to catch on to the need for facilities management, but now the market is in overdrive. Katie Puckett presents a five-step guide to getting a piece of the action

  • Features

    Phase One: Edinburgh


    ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø’s networking event took a new twist when it went to Edinburgh this month by giving attendees a sneak preview of Rab Bennetts’ £42m Informatics Forum – a futuristic realm of computer wizardry and flying robots. Katie Puckett and Dan Stewart joined the snoopers

  • Phase One Edinburgh

    Phase One goes robotic at Edinburgh University


    Networking construction newcomers get a peek at the Informatics Forum, Scotland's new world-class IT research facility

  • Weymouth

    Sun, sea and sandcastles


    The British seaside is back – after all, who wants to go abroad with summers like ours…? To celebrate, we challenged some of our finest construction minds (plus sundry offspring) to a giant sandcastle building showdown. Roxane McMeeken and Katie Puckett commentate on the action.

  • Features

    Blood, sweat and fixed gears: ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø’s cycling track day


    When dozens of the industry’s most fanatical cyclists descended on a London velodrome for ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø’s inaugural Track Day, an afternoon of frenetic racing ensued – stirring memories of a certain sporting extravaganza held in the stadium 60 years earlier …

  • New professionals chatting at ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø's Phase One event in Liverpool

    Never mind the recession, say construction’s new professionals


    Phase One event in Liverpool finds the Capital of Culture undaunted by downturn fears

  • Claire McColgan, Capital of Culture boss

    City of Culture boss to speak at Liverpool Phase One event


    New construction professionals should sign up now for a place at ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø’s next networking event featuring Claire McColgan

  • Phase One

    Phase One guests get exclusive on Newcastle's £700m science district


    ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø's latest social networking event opens with a presentation on 'Science Central' due to be completed in 2020

  • Trading spaces: the huge carbon footprints of most dealing rooms are at odds with banks’ corporate social responsibility policies

    Power crazy


    How can banks’ trading floors, with their walls of power-hungry heat-generating screens, reduce their carbon load? Katie Puckett reports

  • Features

    Construction in chaos


    After a fat few years, falling order books, rising materials prices, a skills shortage and volatility on world markets are a recipe for a perfect construction storm. Katie Puckett reports

  • Features

    Where’s the remote?


    Universities have latched on to the benefits of using the internet to deliver courses, says Katie Puckett. But tutors needn’t worry about being replaced by robots just yet…

  • Features

    Fit towns: A Walk on the Wild Side


    It might sound a bit off the wall, but this urban designer and his family believe town planning can help us stay healthy. Katie Puckett went for an amble with them to find out how

  • News

    New professionals sceptical about Olympic budget


    Phase One networkers take £9.3bn sum with pinch of salt and plenty of cocktails

  • Features

    Site canteen competition: And Britain's best-fed builders are...


    In December, ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø launched a contest to find the best site canteen in the UK. With the shortlist whittled down to three, Katie Puckett joined our intrepid judges as they worked their way through the finest ‘grill-ups’ and porridge in the land. It was a tough job, but eventually a ...

  • Grove Village

    Grove Village Manchester


    Watch how local residents and a Grove Village consortium transformed a no-go Manchester estate into ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø's PFI Project of the Year

  • Obiora Onura

    ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø Awards: Why Obi won


    He graduated just five years ago but already Obiora Onuora is a senior engineer leading teams on projects worth £110m. It’s no wonder he clinched this year’s Newcomer of the Year at the ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø Awards. Katie Puckett asked him how he got there …