The GRID Architects associate on keeping up to date with the latest designs, having too many browser windows open, and Xmas shopping

David Lomax

What is your favourite website?

Check out or to keep up to date across the design world.

It’s too easy to get bogged down in architecture land and never stick your head above the parapet.

What is your worst digital habit?

Having way to many windows open on my screen. We work with 2 screens at GRID which makes it too easy a trap to fall into.

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?

iPhone all the way!

Are you into social networking? (Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook etc)

All of the above. Twitter is where I get most of my news these days.

Who do you recommend to follow?

is keeping me amused at the moment. It’s probably quite wrong that I secretly like everything they post. Guess the secret is out now. I also keep up to date with the Guardian’s architecture man about town .

What is your favourite app?

is a new fun tool by Autodesk that turns a sequence of photos into a 3D model, but also the more prosaically named is brilliant for capturing and sharing panoramas you can look around using an inbuilt gyro.

What is your preferred means of communication? (eg. Email, phone, face to face, text etc)

Got to be face to face hasn’t it? Does anyone ever really say anything else? I presume it’s the mark of a dangerous sociopath …

What did you last buy online?

All of my Xmas presents. In a café in the space of about half an hour. It’s the only way in London.

PC or Mac?

I’m torn on this. My life is Mac at home and PC at work at the moment. I’m going to pass.

Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?

I’ve had the Alt-J album glued into my stereo for the last few months but I’m still finding it hard to turn off The English Riviera by Metronomy from last year. That’s not too guilty I don’t think, so maybe that’s a cop out.

David Lomax is an associate at GRID Architects