Jacobs are credited with designing the station – but the idea was actually originally conceived by Will Alsop

Solar panel array at Blackfriars station

Congratulations to Jacobs in their role as executive architects for doing a great job in developing the Pascall+Watson design for Blackfriars.

Unfortunately, in your they are credited with designing the station which is incorrect. The idea was originally conceived by Will Alsop and the building designed by ourselves to Stage D and taken through a lengthy inquiry before receiving planning permission in 2006.

We also utilised a saw-tooth, mono-pitch roof in our design in order to preserve sightlines of St Pauls so I am unclear what the “single pitch along the full length of the bridge” refers to. None the less, it is satisfying to see our ideas come to fruition and - apart from the value engineered entry building - it remains faithful to the original planning consent.

Phil Holden, Pascall+Watson
