Contractor leads ranking in both civils and non-civils league thanks to £400m football stadium job

Tottenham Populous

Mace has topped both contractor tables for November thanks to picking up a major £400m deal to build a stadium for football club Tottenham Hotspur at White Hart Lane.

The main construction partner job on the 58,000-seat venue helped Mace top both contractor tables, including and excluding civils work.

Mace is closely followed by Brookfield Multiplex, which seized second spot in both tables after picking up a single £350m contract to build a major new office block for Goldman Sachs on Farringdon Street in London.

Kier grabbed third spot in the table including civils, and fifth spot in the table excluding civils, after notching up contract wins worth £203m and £95m respectively.

Just behind Kier in fourth place in the table including civils is Balfour Beatty, buoyed by a £104m project to build the Norwich Northern Distributor Road for Norfolk council.

A £45m contract to build the New Buxton All Through School at Newcastle University helped Bowmer & Kirkland to fifth place on the table including civils and third place on the table excluding civils.

The firm picked up a total of six contract wins worth £130m.

Robertson Group has also had a good month, picking up 10 contracts worth £99m, including a 200 bed hotel at Aberdeen Airport worth £20m.

Meanwhile the £70m contract for the redevelopment of No 1 court at Wimbledon – which includes constructing a retractable roof - has helped Sir Robert McAlpine onto the lower rungs of the tables.

Next up is Ardmore who bagged one £60m contract from Hutchison Whampoa for a residential build in Chelsea.


  Top contractors including civils
monthly work won, 1-30 November 2015
NovOct Number of projectsTotalvalue (£m)
222Brookfield Multiplex1350
414Balfour Beatty39187
59Bowmer & Kirkland6130
644Robertson Group1099
7–Sir Robert McAlpine388
94Galliford Try656
10–Laing O’Rourke351
Total  991,637


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