Web Dynamics has improved the performance of its LABC-approved and BBA-certified range of TLX multi-foils.

Its TLX Silver across-rafter solution now needs only 60mm PIR insulation to achieve a U-value of 0.2W/m2K while its TLX RafterFit range, for between rafters, can achieve the same U-value with just 50mm of PIR.

TLX multi-foils are Part L-approved and NHBC-accepted. According to the firm, the thinness of the multi-foil products means they save space and reflect more than 80% of radiant heat loss, controlling conduction and convection and stopping air leakage. The range has been tested in accordance with the requirements of BRE 443 – undergoing hot-box measurements to conform to to BS EN ISO 8990.

Web Dynamics
