Call for evidence wants views on everything from materials to whole-life carbon impact of buidlings

A committee of MPs has launched an inquiry into how construction can become net zero ready.

The environmental audit committee’s said it will look at the best routes to net zero for future building needs from low carbon materials through to policies to minimise the whole life carbon impact of assets.

Launching the inquiry, Philip Dunne, environmental audit committee chair, said: “For decades we have been constructing homes and buildings with concrete and steel, with little thought to the carbon footprint involved.

“While government policy incentivising a housebuilding boom could contradict its net zero ambitions, there is an opportunity for innovation as we explore low-carbon and sustainable building materials. Our new inquiry will consider how we can decarbonise construction and the opportunities that may arise, and I invite anyone with thoughts to submit evidence.”

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The committee is asking for written submissions, covering a number of areas including how materials can be employed to reduce the carbon impact of new buildings and which materials are most effective at reducing embodied carbon, as well as what role nature-based materials can play in achieving the government’s net zero ambition.

Other areas it is looking for views on are what the government can do to incentivise more repair, maintenance and retrofit of existing buildings and how well  green infrastructure is being incorporated into building design and developments.

The call for evidence closes on 15 May.