Webinars among proposed support measures

HMRC has confirmed plans to help individuals working through their own limited company to prepare for the upcoming IR35 tax reforms that will come into effect in early April.

This week the taxman has said it will look into running additional workshops for medium and large-sized companies – after the four original support sessions filled up in less than a day.


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Construction has until 6 April to prepare for IR35 reforms

Now a spokesperson for HMRC has said the organisation is following up with those who have registered, in particular subcontractors working through their own limited company, to direct them to more appropriate support.

The workshops planned for the next two weeks, which are now fully subscribed, are intended to be for hiring businesses.

> Analysis: Is IR35 reform the end of the road for the freelance?

But where they will be able to ask questions about the proposals.

These are taking place at 9.45am on 18 January and 4 February. Each session will run for an hour.

The spokesperson also confirmed that HMRC was reviewing the support being provided with a view to increasing it.

The new rules govern the tax status of an individual working as a contractor or freelancer and whether, for taxation purposes, they ought to be deemed an employee on payroll.

The changes mean that medium and large businesses in the UK will be responsible for determining whether IR35 rules apply to those working for them as contractors, whereas previously the individual contractor was responsible for making this decision.

Originally set to come into effect from April 2020, the implementation of IR35 legislation changes was postponed until 6 April this year because of the coronavirus pandemic.