Opinion – Page 454

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    MingleMinded musings


    They say there is no such thing as bad publicity, but I can’t help thinking your article, The undercover networker (3 August, page 40), may have given a negative impression.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Hansom

    A place in the sun


    This week we stroll along the balmy streets of Barcelona while Jack Pringle meets his adoring public in Paris – both of which sound preferable to watching a 1-1 draw in Carlisle …

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    You do the sums


    Hands up if this sounds like a silly argument to you: spend millions of pounds to cut x tonnes of carbon or spend a fraction of that to save the same x tonnes of carbon?

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    ڶ buys a pint for …


    DLG Architects

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    Fill in this brief questionnaire


    What does ‘dispute’ mean? When are two disputes linked? When are they not linked? If an adjudicator decides unlinked disputes, is his decision invalid? For one or both? How much sense does all this make …?

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    It’s the heat!


    A London council is checking up on the energy use of its residents thanks to a nifty web map from Ordnance Survey that details every building. Alex Smith takes a look at his own four walls

  • Denise Chevin

    Rip it up and start again


    What do you do if you’ve fallen out of favour with the City and your share price is heading south?

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    Get it fixed


    SWI Ltd entered into a subcontract with P&I Data Services Ltd for building works. SWI’s and P&I’s subcontract specified that a price would be paid for works listed on the tender documents. It was common ground that if P&I required works to be performed that were not the subject of ...

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    Pay your dues


    The defendants, Mr and Mrs Johnston, engaged the claimant contractor, Pierce Design International Limited, to carry out construction works at the property. The contract incorporated the JCT Standard Form of ڶ Contract (With Contractor’s Design), 1998 edition. During the contract the defendants failed to make interim payments to the ...

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    Yes, in your backyard


    If we’re ever going to get the homes we need, rural nimbys are just going to have to accept some development – maybe even a new next-door neighbour…

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    The naked quango


    In the first of a new series in which professionals reveal what they really think, a regeneration expert tells us just how much help agencies and quangos are …

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    The code breakers


    The Office of Fair Trading has, up to now, reserved its fire for contractors that cross the line during tendering. But it is not all on one side, as this case from Northern Ireland shows

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    ڶ buys a pint for …


    Nightingale Associates

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    It never happened


    Your article on the extension of membership of the CSCS board to housebuilders and civil engineers (3 August page 16) was not correct.

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    Forum for debate


    Your interview with Mike Davies, the new chair of the Strategic Forum, and his predecessor James Wates (20 July, page 36), refers to the role of the chairman rotating every year between the “three core member bodies”.

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    Ivory tower


    Colin Harding returned to his architect bashing with his article on “The Prince of Wails” (20 July, page 30). Usually I disagree with his extreme opinions, but this time I had to agree with most of what he said.

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    Notes from a very wet city


    Notes from a very wet city

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    Fear not, as you get older …


    Some thoughts on the flood-proof house:

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    Masters and apprentices


    I read with interest the recent findings by the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) that 53% of their members are having problems finding the right skills (July 20, page 11). Last year we provided a grant to support FMB members to train nearly 6,000 apprentices.