Opinion – Page 448

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    Testing times


     In PFI contracts, the independent tester signs off a project. If it doesn’t, the contractor may have to pay damages. So it’s no wonder contractors want warranties from the tester

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    It’s a fit-out, not a fit-up


    When your project gets to the closing stages, a host of new subcontractors and delivery people appear on site. But how do you make sure some of those strangers aren’t there to rob you?

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    My favourites …


    Gary Marshall

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    Not so excellent?


    I have just read your article on BREEAM (21 September, page 14) and feel compelled to write to you.

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    Theyve never had it so good


    Peter Whitbread’s letter questions society’s over-reliance on academic success in preparing the construction workforce of tomorrow (14 September, page 34). I am pleased to say that, in fact, the choice of qualifications now available leaves young people better prepared than ever before.

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    Short and simple


    Tony Bingham (“KISS and tell”, 14 September, page 56) may like to know there is a subcontract that meets his requirements – one for which he and ڶ are partly responsible.

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    About time


    It’s good to see that Rider Levett Bucknall has caught up with the times (“Project bank account set to be launched” 28 September, page 14).

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    Sauce for the goose


    It was with interest that I read that the Olympic Development Authority (ODA) says it will not be using retentions in its contracts, but has stopped short of banning them along the supply chain.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    ڶ buys a pint for…


    Hunter & Partners

  • Hansom

    A song and dance


    Balfour Beatty appeases God’s wrath, Lafarge sweetens up its concrete and Yvette Cooper denies she’s a totalitarian dictator – all to the accompaniment of a Polish accordion and high-altitude dad rock

  • Denise Chevin

    Growth, but at what price?


    Wow! Pop those champagne corks. What a year it’s been for the sector’s top 250 consultants.

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    On the paper trail


    The claimant (subcontractor) issued proceedings against the defendant (main contractor) for declarations that the subcontract arrangements in respect of three construction projects in Newcastle (Vale House, Maytree House and Hawthorn Estate) constituted contracts in writing for the purpose of section 107 of the Construction Act. The defendant subcontracted the electrical ...

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    Zero-sum games


    You know the government’s got serious on climate change when it instructs cows to eat garlic. It’s also offering lower stamp duty to those who buy more energy-efficient homes. But will the idea work?

  • Alex Smith

    High standards


    Alex Smith welcomes the arrival of the RIBA’s revised Standard Forms of Appointment to its website in a handy PDF format, which will save time, effort and paper

  • Frank Sinatra

    My favourites …


    Tony Bingham

  • Sir Michael Latham

    Trust exercise


    Sir Michael Latham recalls his lobbying for a construction contract based on fairness and trust and is pleased to see that a new JCT form is underpinned by these very qualities

  • Comment

    ڶ buys a pint …


    … for Techniker

  • Hansom

    Making friends


    This week, a Tory minister demonstrates how not to impress the construction industry, Tesco picks up people in pubs and a Labour party member praises a great former leader

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    Looking to the future


    ڶ showed itself to be rather behind the news when it said last week (28 September, pages 13 and 28) that it had “emerged” that the targets set in 2004 for the ڶ Schools for the Future (BSF) programme would not be met – something we have been saying, and ...