Opinion – Page 437

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    No excuses


    The government has taken considerable flak for its plans to reduce Health and Safety Executive (HSE) funding, but the construction industry mustn’t this as an excuse for rising accident and death rates. After all, this is an industry-wide responsibility.

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    Reinventing the horse


    What is the best way to do R&D?

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    What’s changed?


    Having just read an article by Rupert Choat (16 November, page 80), my mind returned to a report compiled by the late John Huxtable.

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    No company for QSs


    Further to Jon De Maria’s assumption that both he and the cockroaches will be left standing after an apocalypse (Inbox, 25 January, page 30), I regret to inform him that if the apocalypse is of the nuclear type, he will surely be standing alone.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    It’s just not good enough


    Public authorities have to treat all bidders with perfect impartiality. As perfection is quite a high standard to meet, many are judged wanting. Like this client here …

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    Living in harmony


    The Olympic park can be completed on time and without conflict between the sectors – but the strategies to ensure good relations must be sorted now.

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    A tale of three cities


    Rome, Mumbai and Marrakesh each have much to tell us about how cities work, how they fail and the possibilities they offer to those who live in them.

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    The RIBA bites back


    Open mike — Shortly before Christmas, two of our legal columnists wrote unkind words about the RIBA’s new standard conditions for hiring an architect. Here, the editor offers a critique of his own

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    Ringway Infrastructure Services Ltd vs Vauxhall Motors Ltd


    The claimant applied for summary judgment to enforce a decision of an adjudicator. The contract between the parties was or incorporated the JCT Standard Form of ڶ Contract with Contractor’s Design 1998 Edition, incorporating amendments 1-5. The claimant was employed to construct a vehicle distribution centre to carry out various ...

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    I’ll get you later


    This is the story of a client that decided to sue a contractor but not its consultants. Then it changed its mind and went after them, too. The consultants claimed that this was abuse of process – but were they right?

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    Know your limits


    The Law Commission wants a rethink of the law on limitations and this year you are invited to comment on the proposals. So here’s what they’re about…

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    The lawyers’ playground


    There have been more than 300 court decisions that ‘clarify’ the meaning of the Construction Act. The result is that only our learned friends really understand what the rules are

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    Web watch — Golden nuggets


    If you want the latest environmental information in easily digestible, bite-sized chunks, you really should log on to ڶ’s sustainability channel. Phil Clark explains why

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    My favourites … Crispin Matson


    This week

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    ڶ inaugurates a coffee machine … with HTA


    “I’m not drinking until April,” boasts Riette as she sips her hot water and lemon. I feel a little guilty as I knock back a double espresso.

  • Hansom

    Close shaves


    While Willmott Dixon employees escape with their jobs, Make’s staff avoid being crushed by a steel tree and Gordon Brown dodges Mandarin quantity surveying manuals

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Every cloud


    I read your piece “Construction firms will take credit crunch hit in 2008” (11 January, page 20) with interest. It claimed insolvencies across all industries are set to rise 8.3% to 13,492 next year, with construction singled out as one of the biggest casualties.

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    The QS and the cockroach


    As a loud and proud QS I have been reading about the imminent demise of our noble art for as long as I can remember.