Opinion – Page 429

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    Web watch — And so it spreads


    Since we observed a few weeks ago that architects were suffering from the Flash bug, one perfectly healthy HTML site seems to have been infected.

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    Claim to enforce an adjudication: Cantillon Ltd vs Urvasco Ltd


    This was a claim to enforce an adjudication decision. The decision allowed Cantillon Ltd £391,565.50 plus VAT and one fifth of this decision related to Cantillon’s claim for 13 weeks extension of time. Cantillon had submitted two extension of time claims to adjudication, one for 16 weeks and one ...

  • Colin Harding

    Promises, promises


    The Olympic project will be built by small businesses, so let’s have some genuine ‘construction commitments’ to allow them to get on with the job

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    The death sentence is getting tougher


    The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act comes into force on Sunday. Best to know what it entails now

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    1666 and all that


    A month after the Great Fire, King Charles was keen for the Reconstruction Commission to get to grips with sustainability as part of a rebranding strategy going forward. Sir Christopher Wren takes up the story …

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    Style or substance?


    To quote your article on the industry’s websites (20 March, pages 40-41): “Flash is the best way to show images because it uses mathmatical formulae to draw graphics very quickly, while HTML draws images one pixel at a time.”

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    Behind closed doors


    I was peturbed to read Peter English’s article about a case that he said demonstrated that contractors need not always agree to give clients discounts (14 March, page 70).

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    Too little, too late


    Admirable though the issue of regulations for sustainable homes is, I fear it is all a little too late when one considers the vast amounts of energy wasted in other locations.

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    Collective blunders


    My heart sinks each time a body rushes to tell us that it is setting up a committee to show how refurbishment or anything else should be done, like Kate Symons of BRE does in her column (28 March, page 41).

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Alan Powers

    Wonders & blunders


    The decorative, anti-modernist efforts of Goodhart-Rendel excite Alan Powers but the patterned facade of the Blue Fin ڶ is a damp squib

  • Hansom

    Hansom BAA, humbug!


    Is there really anything more to be said about last week’s fiasco at Heathrow’s T5? You bet there is. But it’s not all bad news and schadenfreude: we put on some light entertainment for you, too

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    My favourites … Michael Kohn


    This week

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    Buyers and sellers feel construction market shudder


    If the RICS construction survey is a good indication of what the future may look like, then the monthly Purchasing Managers Index produced by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) tends to give a fair indication of the mood of the moment.So when the March results released today ...

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    There may be trouble ahead


    How worried should we be about the the findings by the surveyors body RICS in its latest construction market survey showing that the outlook for the industry is at its worst for a decade?The short answer is seriously concerned. But that is only a partial answer. It certainly does not ...

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    The new seekers


    Alex Smith explains how building4jobs.com is making the long and painful process of looking for a job a whole lot easier

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    Court refuses to enforce adjudication: Rhode vs Markham-David


    Judge Thornton heard an application for summary judgment in respect of the enforcement of an adjudicator’s decision, and gave permission to defend. This cases deals with the hearing of that defence.Mr Rhode as builder carried out work for Mr Markham-David in 1999. Work went well until the parties fell out. ...

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    The makeover manifesto


    Open mike — A refurbishment revolution is needed if we stand any chance of cutting carbon 60% by 2050. And it may have just begun in a stable in Watford … Kate Symons explains

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    Spanish flair


    Madrid’s new Barajas airport takes Gus Alexander by surprise at every turn. Offering a stimulating and innovative space, he discovers that it’s more a feat in Spanish pragmatism than technicality