Now readers can generate their own web content about issues that concern them on ڶ’s new online discussion board. Alex Smith takes a peek at the hottest topics so far…

Last week we truly entered the world of Web 2.0 with the launch of ڶ’s online discussion forum. As we waited to greet our first visitor, we wondered what the first thread would be. A comment on the OFT investigation perhaps? An amusing safety blunder? Or maybe a query about Erinaceous?

Then at 1.28pm on 18 April – a moment that will go down in ڶ’s history – the first post appeared. The title was “F10”. I immediately thought that somebody was asking a question about keyboards. And good on them … on our forum people can to talk about whatever they want. But it turned out to refer to the F10 form associated with the CDM Regulations, and I was pleased to see Peter Caplehorn, technical director at Scott Brownrigg, rushing in with an answer.

As ڶ went to press 96 posts had been posted by 81 members. The various message boards include the sustainability and Regenerate forums.

There’s also a page on which you can upload and comment on project images. My favourite picture so far has been one of hoardings in front of Manhattan Loft Corporation’s Chelsea Apartments in west London. These feature some eye-catching drawings (below) by artist Patrick Caulfield.

If you have any hoardings you want to tell the world about – or want to publicise the buildings that stand behind them – then feel free to post.