Opinion – Page 418

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    House sales drop a third as credit crunch bites


    The latest transaction figures from HM Revenue & Customs underline the industry fears of a collapse in home sales.They show that sales of property worth more than £40,000 have fallen by more than a third since the credit crunch hit. This May's figure of 98,000 transactions compares with 155,000 last ...

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    Housing market gets tougher says Rightmove


    The housing market is getting tougher with 15 homes on sale to every buyer, according to the latest research by the website Rightmove. And although asking prices dipped this month they remain at about the same level as last year.Set this against the usually conservative predictions from the HBOS, which ...

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    An old foe with new faces


    Many of our present economic difficulties are really different forms of the same problem: our sclerotic planning system. Time to do something about it, says Michael Gove

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    Setting off LADs: Avoncroft Construction Ltd vs Sharba Homes (CN) Ltd


    This was an application to enforce an adjudicator’s decision awarding Avoncroft Construction Ltd (“Avoncroft”) £56,380. Avoncroft applied for summary judgment. Sharba Homes (CN) Ltd (“Sharba”) resisted this application on the basis that it was entitled to set off LADs. Alternatively, Sharba sought a stay of execution, or ...

  • Colin Harding

    Do you remember the last time?


    From the depths of the last recession came Egan, Latham and the seeds of a truly integrated industry. This time around, we must not let that message fall by the wayside, says Colin Harding

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    Plan of battle


    Next Monday, parliament is to debate the planning bill. This looks like it will turn into a savage battle over human rights and economic necessity. Here’s why

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    Open mike: ڶ control – Who’s watching the watchmen?


    The government’s consultation on the future of building control has ignored the ridiculous anomalies that exist between private and public sector inspectors, says David Strong

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    Pulling the trigger


    The liability triggers for compensation for asbestos victims may depend on exact policy wording, but a current case may clarify whether the insurers are playing fair

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    The wealth effect and the death of builders' tea


    Each morning I walk past a large Sir Robert McAlpine site. I'm impressed by the speed of build, the cleanliness, the apparent high safety standards and a general feel of efficiency.This morning I missed breakfast so I stopped at a cafe to buy a snack to eat on the hoof.A ...

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    ڶ buys a pint … for the RIBA


    For the final head-to-head in the presidential race, the RIBA spurned its modern-classical marble and chrome palace on Portland Place in favour of the neo-gothic stone and timber Palace of Westminster.

  • Northern Arizona University’s recently opened Applied Research and Development Centre has one of the highest ever ratings under the LEED system

    Take the LEED


    Thank you for your recent article entitled “US to revise LEED assessment system” (16 May, page 14).

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    Some confusion


    In a recent issue, I was quoted as saying that LEED certification can be reached without considering energy points.

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    The way to 13,500


    Your leader on the industry’s ability to meet government employment targets was not accurate (13 June, page 3).

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    Slowdown won't stop us


    In response to the article regarding Wienerberger UK’s mothballing of factories (6 June, page 9), the slowdown in the UK building materials sector was the sharpest the industry has ever seen and was without precedent in the UK.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    My digital life - Rob Pratt


    This engineering services consultancy director enjoys a bit of Coldplay on his iTunes but online it’s all about West Ham, EastEnders and jaunts to the south of France

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    Hansom: uncomfortable moments


    Awkward questions are raised at a government press conference, Barratt’s staff decide against keeping a low profile and Murray Coleman wears pink lycra

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    You're Mr Pink


    Congratulations to Bovis Lend Lease chief executive Murray “Lance Armstrong” Coleman who joined 84 colleagues to ride the 54 miles from London to Brighton last weekend to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.

  • Denise Chevin

    Being fair to Clare


    If you’re the best-known name in housebuilding, you get many benefits.

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    Webmaster review: Terry Farrell & Partners website


    Terry Farrell & Partners' website shows that minimalist architecture may not work as well on websites as on buildings