The website of QS Gleeds – – is under the microscope this week, as is its television channel,

Webmaster’s verdict

The main Gleeds site is a very clean design, with easily readable text and clear navigation. I found browsing the site easy as it had a well thought out structure.

On the other hand the yellow text that is used throughout the site clashes at times with the other colours and makes text illegible.

The Gleeds TV facility adds an impressive amount of video content to the website. This, however, is badly organised as every page is named the same thing, which would cause problems in getting the site indexed by Google.

Gleeds TV doesn’t use flash video (à la YouTube) which is always a better idea ,as most web browsers can view this.

Vital statistics


most popular site on the internet globally, as ranked by web information company Alexa

Google ranking 5/10

This ranking indicates how important it is to other sites that link to it

Inbound links Google: 86, Yahoo: 580

This shows how many pages Yahoo and Google say link to the site

Indexed pages Google: 2,600, Yahoo: 7,933

This shows how many pages on the site have been recorded by Google and Yahoo.
