Opinion – Page 379

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    Net Worth... buys a pint for ڶ


    For once it wasn’t ڶ digging deep into the corporate pocket to stand a few rounds – it was the jolly folk at Net Worth, on the occasion of the debut of their construction and property networking club

  • Hansom

    Hansom: Detailed accounts


    All the latest from London’s least-publicised £425m tower, the RICS’ £45 page-turner, Steve Morgan’s £10 football club, and my £5 flutter on the Grand National

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    Add it up


    Your leader article (“Adding up for the academically challenged”, 20 March, page 3) makes a huge, and incorrect, assumption

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    Impact: zero


    Clive Soley’s assertion that Heathrow and London’s economy is under threat if a third runway is not built cannot go unchallenged (27 March, page 42)

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    Lest we forget...


    Do you know where the war memorials are in your area? Are they being well looked after or have you noticed that they are falling into disrepair? Have you tried to contact the relevant authority about maintenance?

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    Sound education


    Acoustics within schools remains widely overlooked, despite the introduction of BB93, the government standards for the acoustic design of schools. This needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency

  • Greg Verhoef

    What about us?


    It’s all very well trying to kickstart our moribund economy by chucking money at the public sector, but what about the poor blighters who don’t work in it?

  • Denise Chevin

    U, V - or W?


    There was a definite mood of optimism at the ڶ Awards last Thursday. Lots of people had a real reason to celebrate, of course, but the mood change was caused by more than champagne

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    Taylor Wimpey: How long before it does the 'rights' thing?


    When Taylor Wimpey announced that it had all but dotted the i's and crossed the t's on its £1.6bn refinancing deal yesterday, there was a palpable sense of "thank God for that" around the City.The 10-month marathon had been brought to an end and when one deal insider was asked ...

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    We're in the worst recession on record, says Construction Products Association


    The spring round of forecasting has brought more gloom with the Construction Products Association taking an even dimmer view of industry prospects than in the winter.On the basis of the current data available the materials producers' body predicts a drop of almost £15 billion in construction work at current prices ...

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    Annual construction output forecast to fall £23.5 billion over next two years


    The first of the spring forecasts for construction has winged its way into my inbox. It is the Hewes and Associates' forecast.Hewes expects on the basis of current data that levels of construction output will fall back to those last seen in 1996 before we see a recovery.This may seem ...

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    Annual construction output forecast to fall


    The first of the spring forecasts for construction has winged its way into my inbox. It is the Hewes & Associates' forecast.Hewes expects on the basis of current data that levels of construction output will fall back to those last seen in 1996 before we see a recovery.This may seem ...

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    Halifax figures dampen hopes of spring bounce in house prices


    The Nationwide figures published yesterday provided some cheer for those selling homes with the announcement of a 0.9% rise in its house price index for March.That hope has been rather squashed with the Halifax today releasing figures suggesting the price of an average home fell in the month by 1.9%.What ...

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    Five reasons why the G20 summit is great news for UK construction


    I meant to get in an early night, but George Soros was billed to appear on Newsnight and while I know it's shallow I am a sucker for celebrity.I legitimised my decision on the grounds that I wanted to see how broad the consensus was over the success of the ...

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    Ready money


    There are still chances out there to make big bucks, it seems, from trillion-dollar salaries to a sure thing on the racetrack. But if nothing works out, you can always drown your sorrows in a roomful of gin

  • Terminal 4 at Madrid Barajas airport

    Wonders & blunders


    Prue Leith’s spirit is uplifted by the billowing roof and sense of fun in Richard Rogers’ airport terminal in Madrid. But Oxford’s John Radcliffe hospital makes her sick

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    My digital life: Adrian Malone


    This week

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    Websites that might help you to get through this sticky patch

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    Your solution is the problem


    A good way to enrage someone who’s in trouble is to offer to help, then stamp on their foot … which is what the government has done to those working on education schemes

  • Blue sky thinking The Titus Salt School by Anshen + Allen escaped Cabe’s broad thrashing of ڶ Schools for the Future designs

    Refuting all charges


    Caroline Buckingham (13 March, page 36) accuses Cabe’s schools design panel of not giving fair assessments to designs for ڶ Schools for the Future (BSF)