Opinion – Page 357

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    What Bordon really wants


    As the meeting secretary of BAAG – the Bordon Area Action Group – I am writing to correct the impression that everything in Bordon is lovely (11 September, page 46)

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    A balanced scoresheet


    We read with interest your article (28 August, page 10) concerning the appointment of Turner & Townsend for the Hoe Valley scheme in Woking

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    Empty home help


    It has been suggested that local authorities should make use of existing empty homes in their districts

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    My digital life: Roderick Pettigrew


    What’s on your iPod?

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    Carbon-ready building


    Given the importance – and extraordinary difficulty – of tackling climate change, we need to come up with some pretty spectacular solutions

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    111,000 jobs lost to construction... and that is just the start


    The latest employment figures make grim reading for the construction industry with the number of workforce jobs plunging by 61,000 in the second quarter of this year.This means that 111,000 jobs have been lost to the industry since they peaked in the autumn last year.In fairness the drop in workforce ...

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    Is this deflation I see before me? Why prices are rising faster than the inflation rate


    I am not sure about you, but I sometimes have to go to the back numbers to make sense of the statistics that get thrown at me.I have been for some months a bit curious as to why the brightest brains (well some seriously well paid experts) among the UK ...

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    House prices on the increase, but so too are the questions marks over the housing market


    The big news is that for the first time in two years more surveyors in Britain said prices rose than said they fell, according to the latest RICS housing market survey.The big question is whether this is the start of a continuous and sustained recovery in the housing market or ...

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    Thank you, Sir Stuart Lipton


    Cast your mind back 10 years, if you can. Compulsory competitive tendering was a way of life in the public sector. Design-and-build hospitals resembled a lot of site cabins bolted together; developers threw up office blocks that had the charm and civic presence of a shopping precinct. The role of ...

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    The battle of Little Britain: on board with Sheppard Robson


    My second Little Britain was even more memorable than my first. As someone who has always claimed never to get seasick, I have since realised you don't know the meaning of the word until you've been stuck down in the pit of a racing boat for 20 minutes being thrown ...

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    Meanwhile, ITEM Club says recent house price rise is a false dawn


    Today the Item Club released a special report on house prices that suggests a further fall in the first half of next year.It sees the recent rise as a false dawn and says it will be another five years before prices get close to the peak they reached in 2007.Like ...

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    "House price falls are over" say futures traders


    House price falls are over. That is the declaration made over the past two months by the futures market after two years of grim expectations.As recently as last December you could forward buy a notional average house three years hence for £106,153 on the futures market. That price is set ...

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    Jibbing and tacking with Captain Jack


    Standing on the Cowes quayside at 7.30 am, trying to force a bacon sandwich down into a queasy stomach less than six hours after you had your last rum and coke, is, I am learning, a quintessential Little Britain experience. As is not knowing whether the gentle rocking motion you're ...

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    Size does matter


    After helpful research by Cabe found that new homes were too small, we may finally be able to re-address the poor design that has been carried out across the UK – and yes, by all of us

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    An unprovoked attack


    Rudi Klein’s ungracious and misplaced attack on the JCT contract forms (24 July, page 45) merits a reply

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    Parry and riposte


    I don’t know if Graham de Roy (7 August, page 29) is spoiling for a fight, but he seems to have taken a highly selective view of my article (24 July, page 48) on latent defects insurance (LDI)

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    Weighty matter


    JT Emanuel (28 August, page 28) has only part of the story when he suggests the consultation over parts L and F of the ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø Regulations is 800 pages

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    Relax …


    Regarding the funding rule change to boost the academies programme (7 September, www.building.co.uk), the relaxation of the requirement that sponsors donate £2m will help increase the range of organisations able to become principal sponsors

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    The other offsetting


    I must disagree with Rachel Barnes’ piece (10 July, page 49) about architect–client agreement forms

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    Getting there: Revision to JCT contracts


    The latest revision to the JCT contracts is a step in the right direction, but doesn’t go far enough to enforce the OGC’s Achieving Excellence in Construction aims