Firms will collaborate with one another on the 10-year capital investment project

Seven contractors have been picked by the Ministry of Defence to carry out improvements to its estate worth more than 拢5.1bn. 

Procurement chiefs at the Defence Infrastructure Organisation have chosen Galliford Try, ISG, Graham, Kier, Laing O鈥橰ourke, Lendlease and Morgan Sindall as partners after a mini competition carried out through the Crown Commercial Service framework. 


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One of the jobs will see the Welsh Regiment return to Wales

The Defence Estate Optimisation will involve a significant construction and refurbishment programme for single living and service family accommodation, as well as a range of operational, educational and technical facilities. 

The 10-year capital investment programme is the latest public programme to adopt an alliancing model, where ordinarily competitive organisations pool their collective resources and expertise and work together. 

Projects will not be tendered individually but instead bundled and tendered at once in the hope of improving timescales as well as the quality and efficiency of delivery. 

Galliford Try鈥檚 winning bids included the Air & UK Strategic Command and Munster Barracks, Catterick lots, worth approximately 拢387m. 

Chief executive Bill Hocking said the packages had been a 鈥渓ong-term target鈥 for the business and said the workstreams would provide 鈥渁 fantastic pipeline for years to come鈥. 

Meanwhile, ISG will deliver a new 250-acre barracks at Caerwent Station training area in Monmouthshire in South Wales. 

That project, which is worth 拢250m, will result in a return to Wales for the Welsh Regiment, 1st The Queen鈥檚 Dragoon Guards and 1st Battalion, The Rifles.