New report puts average cost of onsite technologies to meet Code Level 6 standards at 拢6,000 per dwelling

The average costs for onsite renewable technologies needed to meet the most challenging standard of the Code for Sustainable Homes was revealed today.

A report by the Government advisory body The Renewables Advisory Board said to meet the Code Level 6 standard for an average dweling would cost 拢6,000. This would rise to 拢13,000 for a dwelling for an urban development of less than 10 houses and would be 拢1,000 for a development of rural flats that can use wond power. These costs only relate to the energy/CO2 aspects of the Code and do not include the building fabric costs, the report said.

The report, called The Role of Onsite Energy Generation in Delivering Zero Carbon Homes, says that the ability to generate sufficient renewable electricity "will become the key factor for compliance with CSH level 6" but that it would not be possible to meet this standard in 12% of dwellings, principally urban flats which lack the space for the technologies.

The findings of the report were backed by The Renewable Energy Association (RES). In a statement the REA said a key recommendation was the need to 鈥渃reate strong, early stimulation to the onsite renewables sector to avoid the high risk of a supply gap in 2016鈥.

The REA called on the government to:

  • make the optional support that Energy Suppliers could give to microgeneration in the forthcoming Carbon Emissions Reduction Target proposals an obligation. The REA also proposes a doubling of that proposed support for microgeneration under CERT
  • introduce a generous feed in tariff for on-site renewable electricity along the lines of the scheme which has been successful in Germany
  • provide financial incentives to reward users of renewable heat technologies such as biomass, solar thermal and heat pumps
  • ensure all local planning authorities will be able to adopt targets for on-site renewable energy technologies in their Local Development Frameworks along the same lines as those successfully adopted and implemented by Councils such as the London Boroughs of Merton and Croydon
  • Provide support to householders to cover the capital cost of the installation of renewable energy technology through mechanisms such as using a second charge on a property. Such a scheme, Called RE-Charge is being developed by Kirklees Council and will be launched in April