Findings will inform criteria for judging firms’ carbon cutting efforts

The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) is asking the industry to provide feedback on how the sector’s progress towards net zero should be tracked.

Findings of a  will feed into a  currently being drawn up consisting of a set of targets and commitments to measure how much carbon firms are cutting.

Men installing solar panels on roof


The CO2nstruct Zero programme was launched earlier this year

The framework, which is being created by the CLC’s CO2nstruct Zero initiative, is intended to ensure that the industry “speaks in a single and unified voice” on decarbonisation.

The programme will call on firms to use zero emission vehicles and onsite plant, champion infrastructure projects that support low carbon modes of transport and prioritise low carbon materials.

CLC co-chair Andy Mitchell said the scheme will ensure firms in the industry can be “both challenged and praised”.

“A comprehensive and cohesive approach to measuring net zero progress is the foundation for so much more,” he added.

Mitchell told an NBS summit last month that the sector was “not moving at the speed it needs to” on net zero, adding that a “huge programme of industry change” was now needed.

The CLC’s is open until 11 June.