Legal views – Page 86

  • Tony Bingham

    Page turners: Society of Construction Law essay prize


    The winners of this prestigious prize have some clever things to say about delays and quantum meruit disputes. Their papers are all must-reads

  • Comment

    Buying a business: Gods of small things


    If you’re planning to buy a business in our fragile economy, you need to know what you’re getting. So use lawyers who will scrutinise every little contract

  • Hartley Foster

    Taxing times for construction


    While increased VAT is a blow, other tax measures will benefit the industry

  • Tim Elliott

    Well-defended settlements


    Showing that settlement costs are unreasonable is a difficult task, as the installer of a defective sprinkler found when Siemens chased it for payment

  • Tony Bingham

    Judges in their own cause


    Architects are always unbiased and even-handed when awarding extensions of time under usual forms of contract. Except, of course, when the reason is their own negligence

  • Just looking

    Just looking


    Beware if you shop around for an expert, as the court may demand that you reveal the reports that you rejected

  • Sharon Latham, partner Clarke Willmott

    How to avoid World Cup sickies


    If you want to avoid a sudden rise in sick leave among staff over the next month you need to take some practical steps now…

  • Tony Bingham

    Simple game, tricky rules


    Here’s a conundrum for you: What happens if part of a contract is within an adjudicator’s jurisdiction and part is outside? And if a decision is made on all of it, is it enforceable?

  • Comment

    Defective work: Making amends


    If you’re an employer cheesed off with a contractor’s work, it’s tempting to get someone else in to sort it out, then claim for the costs. Here’s why you should count to 10

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    Contracts in writing


    Until now, a contract has had to be in writing for a dispute to be referred for adjudication…

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    Alternative medicine


    How do I … avoid going to court? Litigation can leave you with a headache, not to mention a large hole in your wallet. But disputes do not have to end up in the courts, says Paul Flook

  • Melinda Parisotti

    An idiot’s guide to stupid questions


    An implied term in a contract used to be defined as something that only a fool would ask about. Well, thanks to Lord Hoffman, it’s not quite that simple anymore

  • Tony Bingham

    The foundations of a good decision


    From boldness to fairness, reaching a successful adjudication result starts with paying heed to seven pillars, as set out by Mr Justice Coulson

  • Comment

    Face the facts


    Part eight of the civil procedure rules is a useful tool for getting the court to make a declaration in your favour - but not if there is a dispute over what actually happened

  • The salami olympics

    The salami olympics: how to spot a fraudster


    The Olympics is going to be bounty time for fraudsters, who will be slicing away at the budget whenever they get the chance. Here’s how to spot them

  • Ann Minogue

    The big law society


    Ann Minogue The more disputes are settled in adjudication, the more likely it is that areas outside our industry will have a bearing on how construction law develops

  • Tony Bingham

    Court isn’t all it’s cracked up to be


    The property end of building is even more disputatious than the contruction end. It needs to find a better way to resolve disputes – so why not adopt adjudication?

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    Hamish Lal: Bare realities


    Hamish Lal The final part of our series on the nuclear decommissioning sector looks at the kind of risks the industry is grappling with today – including that the money will run out

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    Expert determination: A short cut through a swamp


    Plumping for expert determination to resolve a dispute may sound like a quick, cheap, hassle-free alternative to adjudication or litigation. But it ain’t necessarily so

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    All things considered


    Adjudicators have it drummed into them that they should decide the dispute in the notice of adjudication. Here’s a case that shows there is some room for flexibility