All Interviews articles – Page 29

  • Diarmuid Gavin

    Diarmuid Gavin


    Don’t be fooled by the affable exterior – television’s most popular gardener is plotting a revolution in our own back yards. Here he lets us in on the secret and tries to recruit you as well.

  • John Redwood

    John Redwood


    After three years away from the front bench, the poster boy of the Thatcherite right is keen to demonstrate how a Tory government would make £35bn of efficiency savings – and gladden the hearts of the construction industry.

  • David Chipperfield

    Big in Japan (and China, the USA, Spain, Italy, Germany…)


    David Chipperfield has quietly built up a highly exportable architectural practice, with competition wins all over the world. Now, the UK portfolio is belatedly taking shape – if clients can stop project-managing for long enough

  • The messenger

    The messenger


    Construction’s safety record never looks worse than in the living room of a bereaved family. Alan Ritchie knows – he’s been there too many times. The new general secretary of UCATT tells us about his plans to make employers and government listen.

  • Features

    Steve Morgan


    With Liverpool still ignoring his advances, the former Redrow boss is turning his attention to a new land-purchase venture. We meet a man throwing himself into his work …

  • Bill Bryson

    Second thoughts


    Notes from a Small Island, Bill Bryson’s very funny, very charming and highly critical account of Britain in the 1990s, made Britons look at themselves slightly differently. But what would he write if he took the same journey today?

  • Philip Ashton PhD

    The naked project manager


    Philip Ashton PhD may be a reluctant televison star, but he’s happy to embrace the publicity Channel 4’s Bricking It has given young people in construction. We meet project management’s answer to Jamie Oliver.

  • So I changed my mind

    So I changed my mind …


    Peter Dixon is the man in charge of a £422m PFI hospital in London. He has also written in a national newspaper that hospital PFIs have been a ‘costly failure’. We invite him to explain himself – after which we get a second opinion from a woman with very definite ...

  • The case against

    The case against


    If Allyson Pollock is right, it won’t be long before PFI hospitals introduce extra charges for anaesthetic. We find out why.

  • John Oughton

    Cutter’s way


    John Oughton, the mandarin in charge of government procurement, is determined to slash the time and money spent on the bidding process. But can he overcome a creaky civil service and an overstretched construction industry?

  • Wates chief Paul Drechsler

    Talking up a storm


    Wates chief Paul Drechsler has been hired to shake up the century-old family business. And he just loves to natter about it. He tells Angela Monaghan all about framework deals, services, Dublin, PFI schools, his workers … and Eric Clapton.

  • Bob Holt

    Mr Holt & Mr Black


    The chap on the left is the grand wizard who created Mears, the firm that never stops growing. The one on the right has six months to learn how to cast the same spell.

  • John Rackstraw

    The ideal partner


    John Rackstraw, chief executive of Pearce Group and a devotee of the Egan message, explains how he’s putting the principles of partnering and integrated supply chains into action

  • Phil Hope

    Talking balls with the minister


    Phil Hope is charge of chivvying the industry into becoming energy efficient, sustainable and security conscious, while simultaneously championing IT and keeping the ODPM green. So a metaphor rather suggests itself, as we point out.

  • Colin Clinton

    President Clinton


    He may not yet be the international political force that Bill once was, but Colin Clinton knows how to use power to effect change – and not just at the ICE. We talk to him about his modernising agenda, globalisation and lawn mowing.

  • Morrison (left) and Allies: Rational, conservative revolutionaries …

    The paradox twins


    George Hay talks to Bob Allies and Graham Morrison, the men behind the ‘unfashionable’ architectural practice that’s all the rage with Britain’s biggest clients.

  • Richard Simmons

    Richard Simmons


    The new chief executive of CABE tells Mark Leftly why his last three projects ran into criticism, why Sir Stuart Lipton was right to resign – and why Jon Rouse is such an easy act to follow.

  • Norman Haste

    More haste, more speed


    Ministers may have promised a bill for London’s superfast transport link Crossrail next spring, but boss Norman Haste is not leaving his £9bn project until then. We saw him in action at the Labour Party Conference

  • Richard McCarthy

    Richard McCarthy


    The sheer get-up-and-go of the head of the ODPM’s sustainable communities group is proving increasingly valuable – particularly in easing the ‘creative tension’ between government and housebuilders. We got him to sit still for a minute.

  • Bernard Kasriel

    Bernard Kasriel: Realpolitic


    Bernard Kasriel, chief executive of Lafarge, talks about environment-friendly technology, negotiating with suspicious governments and the delicate business of digging enormous great holes