All articles by Denise Chevin – Page 3

  • Denise Chevin

    Housing's hidden crisis


    Did he did do enough to win your vote, then?

  • Denise Chevin

    Say sorry and move on


    Well, it’s been an emotional roller-coaster ride, hasn’t it?

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    Thank you, Sir Stuart Lipton


    Cast your mind back 10 years, if you can. Compulsory competitive tendering was a way of life in the public sector. Design-and-build hospitals resembled a lot of site cabins bolted together; developers threw up office blocks that had the charm and civic presence of a shopping precinct. The role of ...

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    Thank you, Sir Stuart Lipton


    Lipton won the intellectual argument that good design wasn’t a luxury limited to an arts project backed by a patron with more money than sense

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    Back to schools: ڶ in a recession


    Question one. How can we keep spending billions on school building while struggling with the biggest crisis in our public finances since the war?

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    Back to schools: building in a recession


    Question one. How can we keep spending billions on school building while struggling with the biggest crisis in our public finances since the war? Not easy, is it? Even a grade A* economics student would struggle with this one.Not many of us are putting our hands up and offering ...

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    On the receiving end


    “I would think very hard about working in Dubai again. It has done us a lot of damage.” So says David Marks, the co-founder of architect Marks Barfield. Anyone reading about what happened to him after his client in the emirate quietly stopped paying its bills will find it easy ...

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    Payments in Dubai: On the receiving end


    Veterans of the Middle East will tell you that the region doesn’t play by the same rules as, say, Europe or North America

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    Small steps


    “She’s so good she should have been a bloke.” That was the comment from the chief executive of one of the industry’s largest companies after a meeting a super-smart analyst. It was a throwaway remark, but it’s redolent of the culture that survives in an industry that is still overwhelming ...

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    Diversity in construction: Small steps


    Ensuring the workforce reflects society (and therefore its clients) is a complex long-term project that needs to be tackled at all levels

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    Turning navvies into staff


    In parts, the industry still resembles the one depicted in McAlpine’s Fusiliers. Can it be turned into one that is truly professional – where workers all pay tax and where it’s no more acceptable for someone to be killed than it is in a well-run factory?One reason for thinking it ...

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    Turning navvies into staff


    Will we look back at the summer of 2009 as a defining moment in construction?

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    Our predicament


    Both parties admit that the axe will have to fall on public spending soon, although politicians have been too squeamish to describe this in detail

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    What can you get for £1.5bn?


    Hard to say how many votes it will win him, but Gordon Brown’s £1.5bn contribution to the Homes and Communities Agency deserves a few cheers from the construction industry. The money is intended to deliver 20,000 affordable homes and build the infrastructure to stimulate another 10,000 private ones. The government ...

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    What can you get for £1.5bn?


    Hard to say how many votes it will win him, but Gordon Brown’s £1.5bn contribution to the Homes and Communities Agency deserves a few cheers from the construction industry.

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    Is partnering dead?


    “It took 12 years to put together and 12 weeks to dismantle.” That was one of the more wry comments on BAA’s decision to turn its back on framework agreements for a good chunk of its work.The decision was taken by Steven Morgan, the man brought in by the airport ...

  • Denise Chevin

    Is partnering dead?


    “It took 12 years to put together and 12 weeks to dismantle.” That was one of the more wry comments on BAA’s decision to turn its back on framework agreements for a good chunk of its work

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    Power without responsibility


    "This meddling member of the royal family is a black stain on our democracy," wrote one reader of ڶ's website.Others described Lord Rogers' scheme as "a herringbone pattern of repetitive blocks with no sense of place" and his defence of it as "tantamount to treason".Never has the death of a ...

  • Denise Chevin

    Power without responsibility


    “This meddling member of the royal family is a black stain on our democracy,” wrote one reader of ڶ’s website

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    One last big push


    Pat McFadden, Lord Mandelson’s deputy in the Commons and a Cabinet attendee, has acknowledged that construction’s representation in Whitehall is a joke, and that a chief construction officer is needed