Tim Broyd is an online shopaholic. The web is his clothes store, television, supermarket, noticeboard, travel agent and, most importantly, a refuge for the hopelessly car-obsessed.

What’s your favourite bookmark?

As Halcrow’s technology director, regular visits to the EPSRC website () helps keep me up to date with academic research grants and research projects. I have been developing Halcrow’s sustainability strategy over the past year; we’re members of Forum for the Future and their website () lets me know what’s happening in this fast moving area.

What do you buy online?

CDs, food, holidays, sheet music – practically anything. I remember my first online purchase was a polo shirt in 1997 to commemorate the Thrust SSC (supersonic car) world speed record. A superb British engine ering feat – and not a bad shirt, actually.

What are you reading?

The last book I bought was Jonathan Porritt’s Capitalism: As if the World Matters. Very thought-provoking and a surprisingly good read as well.

Social networking: Facebook or face to face?

Real networking is still best done face to face. My only flirtation with social networking sites is on what my wife calls the sad man’s forum – otherwise known as the Lotus 7 Owners’ Club (). I built a Caterham 7 a couple of years ago, and the web forum provides shoulders to cry on and good advice when things fall off.

What’s in your digital holster?

O2 Xda Mini mobile phone, Dell Latitude D420 laptop, a Canon Powershot Pro1 and the ubiquitous iPod.

What have you downloaded recently?

Last Saturday’s Dr Who – obviously!

Favourite tune

I grew up listening to Simon and Garfunkel, and I find Paul Simon’s Father and Daughter from his recent Surprise album hits the spot. I have a young daughter and am away from home quite a lot, and the song’s lyrics about a father’s special love for his daughter reminds me of the important things in life.