Some readers weren’t fooled by ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø’s code level seven story (page 14, 1 April) …

This article almost had me fooled, until I realised the date! However, there’s probably some at the Homes and Communities Agency who think it an excellent concept and are already drawing up plans to adopt it. And it wouldn’t surprise me if in the coming weeks some sustainability-mad planning officers start demanding it in pre-application meetings.
Michael Crosby, managing director, Cornish Architects

I understand the use of no more than three Jack Russells or similar terriers to pull special designed eco-carts stored in combined kennel/coach house (with PV on the roof and muck recycling for the allotment of course) is also being considered as a suitable mode of transport. Very good.
Clive Astall, deputy director of development, The Hyde Group

Well seeing as installing a catflap prevents you having a code level six house anyway, I think banning cats altogether is a logical step. Maybe all code level seven homes could come with a free dog, to scare away the cats.
I’m no fool … or by the £7.5m sapphire story (

P Rank & Sons were unavailable to comment … perhaps they don’t work on 1 April? Or indeed any other day! Nice to see a sense of humour.
Gordon Trehy

Wasn’t the stone valued by Alf Loipor, the famous gemstone expert?
Simon Forrester

The clue’s in the name – PRANK!
Nigel Marks
