
Read our policy.

Specification options
(an allowance for surface protection is included in the capital costs)Capital costs £/m2Net present value for 60 years £/m2Design life years
Particleboard wood chipboard to BS EN 312 Type P58.4 50 60
Particleboard wood chipboard to BS EN 312 Type P5, 22 mm thick9.7 51 60
Particleboard wood chipboard to BS EN 312 Type P5, with protective plastics peel-off layer8.9 4560
Particleboard wood chipboard to BS EN 312 Type P5, with thermosetting resin and kraft paper weather-proof surface8.8 37 60
Standard grade marine plywood to BS 1088-1, square edged, suitable for use when exposed to regular wetting or permanent exposure to water: Hazard Classes 4 or 5 in BS EN 335-318.5 50 60
Plywood to BS EN 636-3, suitable for use in unprotected external conditions: Hazard Class 3 to BS EN 335-316.5 54 60
Plywood to BS EN 636–2 15.359 60