Explanation of data fields and definitions

Departments were asked to provide project / programme level responses to the questions set out below in a spreadsheet template, using the following guidance.


Sector / sub-sector / sub-group Select a ‘sector’ from the drop-down list, then if applicable, specify further using the ‘sub-sector’ and ‘sub-group’.

Project / programme name This should show where part of a wider programme, or the balance of a programme from which specific projects are reported separately

Description / purpose Including number of projects that are being reported on (where relevant)

Region Select from the drop-down boxes: an English region; a nation within the UK; or UK-wide

Asset Ownership Select from the drop-down options. This is regarding the ultimate ownership of the asset, not the origins of the funding nor the status of the delivery body.

If ownership is complex, select the most appropriate response then include in the “notes” section a description of the ownership position e.g. where ownership will revert from private to public in the future

Economically regulated investment Yes / no (generally relevant to infrastructure only)

Funding Source(s) Public / private / combination


Earliest Construction Start Date Please describe in the most appropriate fashion, depending on factors such as certainty e.g. “October 1st 2011” could be fairly certain but if in 2018, no more detail than “2018” would be appropriate. Descriptions such as “After 2016” are also acceptable.

Date in service When will the asset become available to the user? Please respond in a similar fashion to above.

On schedule Yes / no / unknown

If on track to meet planned dates for construction / service


Total capex cost all funding (£³¾) Likely to be total nominal capex – depending on information that is available. Provide details of the cost information in the “cost status” or “notes” fields.

Total capex cost publicly funded, if different (£³¾) Total public investment / support (where relevant). Focus on CDEL unless alternate measure more appropriate (e.g. CDEL+RDEL). Other information, e.g. PFI credits can be provided separately if available.

Costs (£³¾) Capital value

Estimate status Status of the cost information that has been reported. Pre-project / Concept / Pre-procurement / Bid price / Completed cost

Basis of costs, base year State whether cost values are Nominal or Real. State the base year.

Non-construction Costs Where the “total cost all funding” is not equal to construction costs, please give detail of the non-construction costs in the relevant columns, adding detail in the “notes” column if necessary.

  • Significant land related costs (£³¾)
  • Finance costs where privately funded e.g. PFI (£³¾)
  • FM or other significant ‘non-construction’ related costs (£³¾)

Procurement Route

Planned Procurement Route Please select from the drop-down box. If complex, select “other” then give details in the “notes” column.

Expiry Date for Existing Frameworks If procurement is expected to be through frameworks, when do these expire?

Procuring Authority If the project / programme is not to be procured through the organisation filling out the form, please indicate who will procure the work.

Public Source for further details Details of from where the supply chain can obtain further information about the project / programme (e.g. a name / telephone number / website / publications)

Notes and references

Data source(s) List the source(s) of the information that has been provided

Notes Including description where response to earlier question is other