Opinion – Page 457

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    There’s nothing to be afraid of


    It is now just over two years old, and it is distinctly better than JCT98, but poor old JCT2005 still seems to be getting the cold shoulder. Why? It all seems to boil down to fear of the unknown

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    Two’s company, three’s a mess


    The sudden insolvency of a main contractor is always bad news. And if the contractual relationships are not clear it can be even worse, as this case shows

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    Snakes and lizards


    I have for many years read and enjoyed articles written by Colin Harding. However, from what he says in Talking lizards (29 June, pages 34-35), he seems to be coming off the rails.

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    Erroneous arguments


    I was interested to read Edward Whipp’s views on masonry and brickwork (6 July, page 78).

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    More pressure


    I have been reading your “Under pressure” series with interest. At Malcolm Hollis, we are undertaking a development monitoring role on the BBC’s Broadcasting House refurbishment on behalf of Morgan Stanley and are very aware of the materials shortage.

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    Reaching our limit


    As a reader of “Limits to growth”, I rate the ڶ article “More than we can handle” (15 June, page 40) as a living testimony to the tipping point that the Club of Rome forecast all those years ago.

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    A simple solution


    Why are we building half as many houses as we did in the sixties? Because the public sector has stopped building its half.

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    It doesnt fit the fitters


    Having read your article The Handover (6 July, page 36) I sincerely hope that there is not to be a continuation of this one-size-fits-all approach in the Strategic Forum.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    ڶ buys a pint for …



  • Colin Harding

    The Prince of Wails


    Colin Harding has been writing his column for 20 years now. Looking back over that time, the single most significant event was probably Prince Charles’ attack on architects, and the howls of protest that followed it …

  • Comment

    Missing you


    This week we’ve gathered together everyone that wasn’t there, from very small politicians to very big businessmen, and launched an investigation into Albanian movies and Ray O’Rourke’s stationery

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    My favourites …


    Phil Laycock

  • Ann Minogue

    Self-harm for developers


    Developers always try to impose the same liabilities on their contractors that they themselves are under. This is at best futile and at worst a danger to their own interests

  • Martin Chambers

    Wonders & blunders


    Martin Chambers rejoices in the tuneful offerings of Birmingham International Convention Centre but deplores the Soviet-style design of Leeds’ Quarry House

  • Richard Steer

    Young blood


    Other professions may be more appealing to children, but they don’t all have their own GCSE or conduct multimillion-pound projects on school premises. It’s time construction made these factors count

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    Web watch — Ecomarket sweep


    Fear not specifiers, says Alex Smith. To help meet the barrage of sustainable standards that has been published recently, there is an assortment of green product resources on the internet

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    After the event


    This House of Lords decision concerns the assessment of damages to be awarded to an injured party to a contract that has been breached before the occurrence of an event which would give rise to a right to cancel (in this case, the Second Gulf War) and before the contract ...

  • Comment

    Kiss and tell


    The wrangles between Multiplex and Honeywell at Wembley have thrown up an interesting problem about whether information in a negotiated settlement can be disclosed in court