Opinion – Page 411

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Holiday on death row


    As those of you involved in running a construction firm will know, it’s never easy to enjoy your summer vacation untroubled by thoughts of what’s going on back in the office.

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    It's time to get to know inflation again


    For both consumers and construction firms inflation is becoming a real factor once again and maybe it is time to give much more consideration to how to deal with it.I was brought up with inflation. I recall being told time and again by my parents how few pennies things cost ...

  • Comment

    Are we seeing the bottom of the housing market collapse? Probably not


    The broad message coming out of the latest housing market survey from the surveyors' body RICS is that transactions may be stabilising but prices still are falling and have a way to fall yet.The interview with RICS chief economist Simon Rubinsohn on Radio 4's Today programme suggested that sellers are ...

  • Lindy Patterson

    A step in the right direction


    To help ensure a contractor gets paid for a project, it can ask a bank to step in to remedy a situation before it terminates. The pitfalls are many – but so are the benefits

  • Michael Gove

    I admit it all! I’m a conservative!


    But when you compare the glories of traditional architecture to the stuff we build now, it’s hard not to be, says Michael Gove, our man in the bicycle clips with the neatly knotted tie

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    Let it shine


    Tom Lane’s article “How Viñoly’s Colchester arts facility lost its shine” (25 July, page 24), requires clarification on a number of points.

  • Tarek Merlin

    Bridget Jones’ diatribe


    The pressure to conform causes singleton Tarek Merlin untold grief at his friends’ dinner parties. It also happens to be the single greatest blight on the built environment

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    Unleash the OGC


    The government cannot afford to fail to implement the Construction Commitments through its supply chain, particularly after publicly signing up to them (25 July, page 9). And why on earth would it want to?

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    Prime location


    Readers have been invited on your website to suggest suitable locations for the siting of Jack Pringle’s Skylon.

  • Charlene Linneman

    Non payment of fees


    The CaseThis was an appeal from a County Court judgment dismissing Alan Auld Associates Ltd (“Alan Auld”)’s claim and giving judgment for Rick Pollard Associates (“Rick Pollard”) on its counterclaim.Both Alan Auld and Rick Pollard were chartered engineers. Alan Auld successfully tendered to provide project advice to the United Kingdom ...

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    ڶ buys a pint … for Modus


    Chosen watering hole: The Greencoat Boy, Victoria. Ambience: Grimy but friendly – and mercifully air-conditioned – city boozer Topics: Love among the sandwiches, oestrogen in the water and the Frisbee family Drinks Drunk: 6 gin and tonics, 4 pints of Amstell, 3 pints of Heineken, 3 glasses of white wine

  • Super Mario

    My digital life: Jon Sawyer


    Regeneration expert Jon Sawyer’s intrepid digital life includes championship tennis, running, karting and frequent trips to the Amazon (.co.uk)

  • Hansom

    And the livin’ is easy


    It’s summertime, and the industry is rising to the occasion. What would the holiday season be without some natty new shoes, daytime TV and a little bit of summer lovin’ as well?

  • Stuart MacDonald

    Do the right thing


    It’s just a coincidence, of course, but the opaque sky over Britain this week accurately reflects the overcast mood in much of the construction industry.

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    A nasty hole has appeared in the new orders figures


    One set of bad orders figures provides no real cause for concern. This data series can bounce around like a drunken kangaroo. It is a feature of the lumpiness of construction projects. But a second consecutive set of duff figures does start to set a few alarm bells ringing.So the ...

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    Probably the worst Halifax house price figures ever - unless you're a homebuyer


    So house prices dropped a further 1.7% in July according to Halifax (HBOS). For those concerned about the depth of any correction in the housing market that will be worrying.Added to the other eight monthly falls there have been over the past 12 months that means on the Halifax "smoothed" ...

  • Birgit Blacklaws

    Cubitt ڶ and Interiors Ltd vs Richardson Roofing (Industrial) Ltd


    The CaseThe Claimant, as main contractor, engaged the Defendant as a roofing sub-contractor at a building site at Hampton Wick Riverside.The Claimant sought declaratory relief that its terms and conditions were incorporated into the sub-contract between the parties and injunctions that the Defendant should be restrained from continuing with arbitration ...

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    Insurance policies: Fill your boots


    Sales of some insurance policies have surged. This means, of course, that insurers will soon be taking them off the market. So buy now before it’s too late

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    It’ s like deja vu all over again


    The recent glut of bad news has made every headline going and sent the industry into blind panic. But we’ve been here many times before, says Richard Steer, so what did we expect …