Opinion – Page 384

  • Tony Bingham

    Kissing goodbye to your money? Creditors voluntary arrangements


    Tony Bingham Your contractor wins an adjudication award but is subject to a creditors’ voluntary arrangement. You intend to take the case to arbitration. Do you pay up in the meantime?

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    Break it up! How to deal with dispute


     At a time when disputes are becoming all too common it’s vital to know how to manage them without destroying your company

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    Can I have my money back? Claiming back failed tender costs


    Money matters: Losing bidders may now be tempted to claim compensation if tender processes are not conducted fairly. But proving it can be tricky

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    Don't be fooled by contractors' reports of healthy profits


    I am becoming a bit discomforted by persistent misplaced chirpiness. I keep reading and hearing things that tell me "it's not all bad in the construction sector".Fair enough, the construction sector is never "all bad". Come hell or high water I can find plenty of good things even in its ...

  • l’Institute du Monde Arab in Paris, by NJSR Architects’ Ian Bramham

    ڶ on Flickr


    Astrid Kogler, deputy art editor, calls this picture by NJSR Architects’ Ian Bramham of l’Institute du Monde Arab in Paris a “beautifully composed, a truly sophisticated shot

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    Short and Tweet


    Dispatches from the Twitter social networking tool …

  • The Night Garden

    My digital: life Michael Parkinson


    What’s your favourite site?

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    Stace buys a pint … for ڶ


    It’s Tuesday afternoon, and I’m outside the Flying Horse as dusk falls wondering where all these old men in beige overcoats have come from

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    Journey’s end


    A melancholy tale of thwarted hope this week, for a travelling bank manager, Gulf ex-workers in search of liquid comfort and the poor Yorkshire lass who’s taken a fancy to my prose

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    By the people, for the people


    The verdict of “very simplistic” by Stroud MP David Drew on the Homes and Communities Agency’s handling of the Cashes Green Community Land Trust (CLT) proposal seems fair (13 February, page 23)

  • Graduated with honours Berman Guedes Stretton and Price & Myers’ recent alterations to Queen’s College met with the dons’ approval

    Judgment, not luck


    ڶ’s article on the complex alterations being carried out at Queen’s College in Oxford (6 February, page 40) makes for some interesting reading but unfortunately is inaccurate in parts

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    School rules must be obeyed


    As an acoustic consultant specialising in education, your article on new schools failing to meet acoustic standards (13 February, ڶ.co.uk) came as no surprise. That’s because BB93, the building regulation governing schools, is majorly flawed

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    Languishing in L


    Regretfully I wholeheartedly agree with the statement that Part L is not being enforced. Moreover, it is generally not understood and often ignored

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    Clive Sayer salutes a 5,000-year-old citadel, but is less impressed by a more short-term project …


    My wonder is the fortified Cité de Carcassonne, the origins of which can be traced back to 3500 BC.

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    Back issues: Celebrating 150 years of incomprehensible rail fares …


    February 1859: Our remarks touching the policy of railway companies

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    We need a strategy


    “It’s all very well calling for a Keynesian programme of public works to kickstart the economy,” wrote Rachel Sylvester in The Times on Tuesday, “but JM Keynes did not have to deal with the PFI.”

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    Is there any value in valuing housing?


    I thought it might be worth responding to the comment from Gerry. I don't get many comments and he raises a good point.My first reaction is to say that I couldn't agree more that people should see homes as homes and not as investments. I also feel that if we ...

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    The power of the brand


    So, Sir Robert McAlpine is the best brand in construction.So says a new list of the top 500 “business superbrands” in the UK anyway.The pathologically secretive contractor came in at number 101 on a list that was topped by Google, Rolls Royce and Sony.So publicity-shy is the company that the ...

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    £1 trillion wiped off the value of UK homes


    Let's not get too worked up about the £40 billion loss by RBS - those foolish bankers that went into a bidding war to buy ABN Amro at peak.If the Nationwide figures are any reflection of the true value of houses in the UK then we have just witness about ...

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    White Young Green gives City a nasty surprise


    All is clearly not well at engineering consultant White Young Green.It took the City by surprise today by bringing forward its half-year results from Friday at the eleventh hour. If there's one thing the market hates even more than bad news it's "sudden" news.Combine that with the fact it also ...