Opinion – Page 303

  • Richard Steer

    What’s going on?


    The ’resurgence in construction activity’ is proving difficult to detect in the real world. And even if growth does take off, it’ll be a long time before we feel the benefit

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    Quentin Shears: Evolve or die!


    For almost my entire career, we quantity surveyors have been told that we must evolve or die. This has never really bothered me, although I’d hate to think of the chain ending with me and Richard Steer.

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    Circle line


    In the 1991 recession, I joined the last London Underground major project team for the Jubilee line extension.

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    SFO means business


    It is sometimes said compliance with the new Bribery Act is impractical in the construction sector (“Where the buck stops”, 29 October, page 34)

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    Don't speak too soon


    This week’s latest survey from the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (Cips) confirms recent warnings from the Scottish ڶ Federation that the rise in construction output witnessed in the early part of this year was never going to last

  • Beckton’s waste water treatment facility in east London is the largest sewage works in Europe

    Makes scents


    I read your article “Galliford bags sewage job” (2 November, building.co.uk). There is something I have been banging on about for years. I have written several letters to various bodies about this issue: simply that the largest waste water facility in Europe must produce one hell of a lot of ...

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    Outlook: gloomy


    I agree that the industry is in decline. I thought a trade would serve me for life but now with an ever-increasing amount of red tape I feel that many people like me would opt for another career

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    Double act


    Mark Hammond says: “These men in Dubrovnik were making quite a good job of pointing the ridge tiles, but it makes you shudder to think how they got up there, or down again!”

  • microphone

    Return to grub street


    Open mike Remember how grimy our cities were until not so long ago? Well Cabe helped transform them by homing in on design quality, so its demise should worry us all, says Roger Madelin

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    So this is sharing the pain?


    Everybody is asking everybody else for a discount just when they are least able to offer one. We all end up losing out and undermining the relationships we need if we are to thrive

  • letter M

    M is for Mediation, N is for Novation

    Baffled by legal jargon? Don’t know ab initio novation from non-binding mediation? Luckily, we can tell you all about it. This week: M and N

  • Denby Dale owners

    Passivhaus diaries: Life at Denby Dale


    Living in the Denby Dale Passivhaus still feels like something of a physics lesson to owners Geoff and Kate Tunstall (but in a good way). Here they give an update on how they have found their first summer and autumn in the house and their thoughts as they head into ...

  • Brian Green

    If the City punters are right brace for a double-digit fall in house prices


    Traders are betting on a 6% fall in house prices next year

  • Adam Golden

    Benefits of QS work placements


    The young QS started life as a geography student, but a summer placement with a construction contractor changed his career direction

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    Buyers and sellers abandon the housing market


    And that’s bad news for house building numbers

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    Is the Green Deal a good deal?


    This is the only government initiative targetting the energy efficiency of existing homes but it should be seen as just the start…

  • Brian Green

    Mixed messages and some worries as payment delays in construction grow again


    Over last quarter both construction and property sectors have taken longer to pay

  • Rok

    Timeline: why Rok's in a hard place


    The history of Rok from its formation in 1939 to the suspension of its shares this morning

  • Tom Broughton

    Paul Morrell's first year at Whitehall: Paul's plan


    The government’s construction advisor has been in the job for a year - we take stock

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    Short and tweet: Julian Hakes


    The architect juggles his career as an architect and an emerging shoe designer