Delivery body publishes 12 objectives based on the themes of climate change, waste, biodiversity, inclusion and healthy living

The Olympic Delivery Authority has this week published a list of sustainability principles it expects the industry to abide by in the construction of the Olympic park.

The proposed 12 objectives are based on the themes of: climate change, waste, biodiversity, inclusion and healthy living. These were originally set out in the WWF and Bioregional concept 鈥淭owards a One Planet Olympics鈥.

The draft 12 sustainability principles are:

  • Energy 鈥 Maximise the opportunities for carbon efficiency while reducing the carbon footprint of the Olympic and Legacy development wherever possible.
  • Waste 鈥 Maximise opportunities to design out waste and provide new waste infrastructure, while minimising off-site disposal during remediation and construction, through an integrated approach to resource management.
  • Materials 鈥 Identify, source and use environmentally and socially responsible materials.
  • Biodiversity and ecology 鈥 Protect and enhance the wildlife and its habitat of the lower Lea Valley, and enhance access to nature.
  • Land, water, noise, air 鈥 Maximise positive and minimise adverse impacts on land, water, noise and air quality.
  • Global, local and internal environments 鈥 Design and build in a sensitive manner for internal and local environments, adaptable to future climates.
  • Culture, heritage and built form 鈥 Preserve and improve the heritage of the lower Lea Valley.
  • Transport and mobility 鈥 Create accessible, pedestrian friendly Olympic park and venues, with good connectivity to surrounding areas.
  • Housing and amenity 鈥 Create new safe, mixed-use public space, housing and facilities appropriate to the demographics and character of the lower Lea Valley.
  • Education and employment 鈥 Provide new employment and business opportunities locally, regionally and nationally.
  • Health and well-being 鈥 Provide for new health, recreation, sporting and cultural facilities in the Olympic and Legacy development.
  • Inclusion 鈥 Involve, communicate and consult effectively with stakeholders, and communities surrounding the Olympic park.
The London 2012 sustainability plan will be published next spring.

ODA chief executive David Higgins said the body wanted to deliver the Olympic Park site in the most sustainable way possible. He said: 鈥淭he ODA will work collaboratively with industry, using its influence and purchasing power, to encourage and enable the delivery of an economically, socially and environmentally responsible Games.鈥