Lighthouse Club says covid-19 has driven numbers up calling helpline

The number of construction workers in need of financial support has increased by 25% as the industry reels from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

Industry charity the Lighthouse Club has seen a significant uptick in the amount of calls asking for support since the government’s covid-19 lockdown was imposed more than two weeks ago.

Charity chief executive Bill Hill said: “As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the calls to our construction industry helpline are currently increasing by over 25% a week.

“Many of the calls received are from self-employed tradesmen, agency staff or workers on zero-hour contracts who cope from week to week. They are often only one or two paydays away from poverty. They need our help to feed their families and to pay their bills for heating and lighting.”

Last year, the charity helped 2,000 families and provided more than £700,000 of direct support.

Calls the charity has received in the past few weeks include those from laid-off workers unable to access the government’s Universal Credit benefits system.

The influx of calls has come at a time where the charity’s events, which bring in £500,000 a year, have all been cancelled.

Because of this, the Lighthouse Club is launching a crisis appeal so that it can respond to the needs of the construction workforce as a result of covid-19.

The charity has also promised that none of the crisis fund will be diverted to charity overheads and will go straight to those in need.

To donate to the construction workers family crisis appeal click .