IT and finance the most optimistic professions

Confidence among construction workers about their job prospects has fallen compared to those working in other sectors, research from LinkedIn says.

According to the social media platform’s Workforce Confidence Index (WCI), those working in the industry are less optimistic about their futures than they were a month ago.

They had previously been the country’s most confident about their personal employment situations.

But they now lag behind a number of others including IT and finance.

LinkedIn Workforce confidence

Source: LinkedIn

But confidence has risen most in the last month among those working in the education sector – their score this time around is 19, up from nine last time.

Those working in recreation and travel are also feeling more optimistic – a score of just 10 is more than double the four recorded last time.

The index gives a score ranging from -100 to 100.

The overall score for the UK workforce, based on 3,367 responses from 29 June to 26 July, is 16. When this score was broken out into its three component areas – jobs, finances and career prospects â€“ workers feel most optimistic about their ability to get or hold onto a job, with a score of 30.

In contrast, when asked asked how confident professionals feel about their ability to improve their financial situation in the next six months, the score was just five.

When asked how confident they feel about their ability to progress in their career in the next year, professionals returned a score of 13.