Nottingham Trent University will work with staff involved in the delivery of architecture, engineering and design-related subjects

Academics at Nottingham Trent University are to play a key role in a £3m project designed to help rebuild the Iraqi higher education sector.

The university’s involvement in the initiative is worth almost £100,000 and will focus on improving building services in Iraq, working with staff involved in the delivery of architecture, engineering and design-related subjects.

Experts from the university’s School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment will work to deliver the project, along with staff from its Centre for Academic Development and Quality.

They will provide training for teaching and support staff, help to develop and modernise the curriculum and seek out opportunities for future research collaborations as part of the Development Partnerships in Higher Education (DelPHE) Iraq project.

The two year scheme is being funded by the Department for International Development and managed by the British Council in Iraq.

It comes at a time when the Iraqi higher education system is facing a number of serious challenges as a result of its isolation from the global academic environment.

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