Taking a long term approach to employment and training is a sustainable undertaking. See how Seddon worked to improve the chances for 30 ex-offenders.

Contract Partner:



Encouraging the use of water based paints (as opposed to solvent based paints) will help reduce the environmental impacts of commercial decoration. See what Axis have done to train their staff and influence their clients.

Contract Partner:



Increasing the recycling rate for empty paint cans reduces waste going got landfill. See how Brighton and Hove Council and Mears worked with Hankinson Painting Group to tackle the issue.

Client: Brighton and Hove Council/Mears
Contract Partner:


Recognition by your customers for your green iniatives is a sure sign you are doing something right. Read about K&M McLoughlin Decorating’s commitment to the environment.

Client: Islington Council
Contract Partner:


Tackling waste problems such as the waste washings from cleaning of brushes and rollers, and the disposal of waste paints is an important part of minimising waste levels. See how Queen Alexander Hospital worked with A C Beck & Son to tackle the issue.

Client: Queen Alexander Hospital
Contract Partner:


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