Opinion – Page 459

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    ڶ buys a pint …


    … for Gifford

  • Paint

    My favourites …


    Steve Cook

  • Hansom

    Regime change


    More stories from the dark side as politicians struggle for each others jobs, rogue builders cash in on the floods and I violate the smoking ban

  • Comment

    A standard position


    Reinwood Ltd appealed the court’s finding that L Brown & Sons Ltd had validly determined its employment under the contract on the grounds that Reinwood had continued to fail to pay the amount properly due under an interim certificate by the final date for payment. Reinwood and Brown entered into ...

  • Colin Harding

    Talking lizards


    Consultant QSs are on a mission to convince us that they are the client’s best protection against the greedy reptiles in the contracting sector. In fact, the reverse is the case …

  • Tony Blackler

    The boomerang effect


    This is a cautionary tale of a court doing its best to assist the parties to resolve their differences through mediation, and finding itself embroiled in a Court of Appeal case. Here’s what happened …

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    You can’t believe your luck! You’ve been given a meaty project to undertake entirely from the comfort of your own home. No battling with public transport, no rising at the crack of dawn, no working late. Here’s how to actually get some work done.

  • Comment

    My favourites …


    Steve Harris

  • Hansom

    Having a flutter


    You couldn’t move for the likes of Rogers and Stefanou at Ascot last week … but if the gee-gees aren’t your bag an intrepid threesome are preparing to tee-off for a 24-hour Scottish golfing challenge

  • Ken Shuttleworth reveals landmark City project

    From the website


    The story: “Ken Shuttleworth reveals landmark City project” - 6 June 2007

  • Headhunters: are they really so bad?

    Dog help dog


    I felt your article on recruitment, referred to in the leader as the “dog-eat-dog world of the headhunter”, was imbalanced and it was interesting that you only approached one source for a response – Hays, which is not a headhunter but a recruitment agency.

  • Comment

    Get the best out of them


    While I find it unhelpful to lay the blame solely at the door of the headhunters (what did the industry do in the nineties to attract school leavers?), I would like to point out some fundamental truths of the industry:

  • Comment

    A helping hand


    Your article “Does the industry still need Women in Property?” (8 June, page 54) fails to address the fact that in construction, barriers still exist for those who don’t fit the mould.

  • Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Comment

    Blesséd are the peacemakers


    Rather than bringing in mediators after things go wrong, the ODA is appointing dispute boards as a cost-effective and informal way of resolving squabbles before they become rows

  • State your case

    Give yourself up


    Make no mistake, the Office of Fair Trading and Competition Appeal Tribunal mean business when it comes to the construction sector. So best be aware of the leniency rules …

  • Denise Chevin

    How hard can it be?


    Heart transplants are routine, information can cross the world in milliseconds and modern aviation lets us fly anywhere for a pittance. So why can’t we build half as many houses as we did in the sixties?

  • Charles Graham-Marr

    Wonders & blunders


    Charles Graham-Marr celebrates the glory that is Greece but bemoans unenlightened additions to the Edinburgh streetscape

  • Comment

    An appealing decision


    This was an appeal from an order that an adjudicator’s decision be enforced summarily. The first instance judgment is dated 17 March 2006. A dispute arose between the parties in respect of fees. That dispute was referred to adjudication. The adjudicator decided that certain fees were due and owing. The ...

  • Melinda Parisotti

    Caps: they’re the height of fashion


    One way of limiting liability is to impose a curb on the amount that can be claimed under a contract. Hence caps are de rigueur. But, as this article makes clear, they’re far from simple