Opinion – Page 450

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    Risky business


    The directive to remove the legal obligation on architects trained in the EU to register with the Architects Registration Board, as long as they are working in the UK on a “temporary or occasional” basis, is due to be brought in by 20 October (31 August, page 12).

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    The shame game


    Your health and safety blunders are all well and good, but just publishing them will not improve safety in the construction industry.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Hansom

    Mysterious ways


    This week, we reveal the Shard developer’s early attempts to gain help from a higher power, Barratt seeks the assistance of a brick disguised as a baby, and a minister flounders at the Fabian Society

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    ڶ buys a pint for …



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    Green bling


    Flashy, costly eco-features attached to your home might impress your friends, but they won’t help save the planet. What might is simpler and much less interesting

  • Dominic Helps

    Drop it!


    Far from complicating adjudications, ditching the requirement for written contracts will simplify the process and increase protection for those who really need it

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    Im staying inside


    Alex Smith settles down to EP’s guide to the best in urban design and then intrepidly explores a site that is campaigning to save Captain Scott’s ill-fated stab at polar architecture

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    Securities and excess


    This was a decision of the New South Wales Court of Appeal in relation to the New South Wales adjudication legislation, the ڶ and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (the “Act”). John Holland Pty Ltd (“John Holland”) and the Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales ...

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    Good design equals more homes


    It’s an unlikely equation, but if developers and planners worried as much about quality as quantity, it would be easier to build Brown’s 3 million homes, argues Cabe’s Matt Bell

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    Dodging bullets


    The shadow of adjudication looms over most construction projects but, on major undertakings, dispute resolution boards can offer a helping hand – even before problems arise

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    Traps on the money trail


    Killer clauses In the latest of our series on tricky terms and perplexing conditions, Helen Garthwaite looks at the pitfalls that may be concealed in the wording of a bonus mechanism

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    ڶ buys a pint for …


    Purcell Miller Tritton

  • Hansom

    Stars in their eyes


    This week, a consultant makes a guest appearance on the silver screen, the HVCA hangs out at the Bafta headquarters and the new RIBA president faces the flashbulbs of the international press

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    Don't take the cowards route


    Tony Bingham’s article on the National Specialist Contractors Council (NSCC) payment toolkit brought to mind the phrase “Eureka!” (7 September, page 56).

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    Conflicting goals


    Your leader and feature on local contractors (14 September, 2007) was long overdue.

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    Faero responds


    ڶ’s report on the Faero competent persons scheme, “HIPs firm goes into liquidation” (7 September, page 13), was right to suggest that its demise was a result of the government’s change of mind about how the quality of energy ratings should be regulated.

  • Comment

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    My favourites …


    Tim Peake

  • Denise Chevin

    How much trouble are we in?


    So while the RICS tells us there’s a 10% chance of an eighties-style housing crash and construction of the Shard is put on hold...