Opinion – Page 442

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    How to survive... mistletoe


    Continuing our festive season survival guide, we try to sidestep embarrassing encounters under the office mistletoe

  • How to Survive... the Christmas spirit

    How to survive... decorations


    Overcome with dread at this time of year? Read Amaya Lopez's daily guide to coping with Christmas

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    Ann is in cloud-cuckoo-land


     Ann Minogue wrote here that my criticism of Network Rail was unfair. But she is living in a fantasy world where there are still adversarial tools and penalties rather than teamworking and shared risk

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    A green gold mine


    The Best Practice pages in ڶ’s sustainability channel have unearthed a rich seam of pioneering projects. Alex Smith sifts through the best

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    Treasure & Son Ltd vs Martin Dawes: The end of our elaborate plans


    This case has raised the question of when a contract is over and done with, which can affect practically every construction job that’s carried out

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    Case summary: Treasure & Son Ltd vs Martin Dawes


    The barrister who represented Treasure & Son in this important TCC case here sums up what happened

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    Quest 4 Finance Ltd vs John Maxfield, John Carter and Michael John Chesney


    Quest 4 Finance Ltd claimed an indemnity from two of the directors of Hilmax Engineering Ltd; Maxfield and Carter, pursuant to a warranty document dated 18 July 2006. The third defendant, Chesney, had been adjudged bankrupt so the proceedings were discontinued against him. Hilmax had fallen into financial difficulty ...

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    Cundall Johnson & Partners LLP vs Whipps Cross University Hospital NHS Trust


    This was an application for a stay of proceedings on the grounds of non compliance with the Pre-action Protocol for Construction and Engineering Disputes. Cundall Johnson & Partners LLP (“Cundall”) were a firm of consulting engineers. Whipps Cross University Hospital NHS Trust (“Whipps”) was an NHS Trust responsible ...

  • Imtiaz Farookhi

    Experimenting on homeowners is wrong


    When it comes to introducing low-carbon systems into houses, we have our work cut out to convince the owners that they’re not just guinea pigs for the next wave of technological misadventures, says Imtiaz Farookhi

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    Corporate bloat


     Some companies’ merger strategies are little more than an attempt to puff themselves up and appease the egotism of senior management. So, if you get the urge, ask yourself whether your purchase is really necessary

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    We all have good intentions


    If a supplier makes a Horlicks of your building, you may find yourself asking a court for the money to put it right yourself. But will the court believe you’ll really do the work?

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    My favourites …


    Stephen Oxley

  • Hansom

    What’s worse …


    … working at a nuclear bomb factory or for Metronet? Being mistaken for Harry Potter or likened to Robert Mugabe? Being stuck on a boat during the England game or finding a means of watching it?

  • Denise Chevin

    Be careful what you wish for


    Two very different companies are engaged in two very different battles at the moment. Keith Miller, the chief executive of Miller Group, is struggling to keep his company private. Erinaceous is fighting for bare survival. Yet could the shareholders of each learn from the plight of the other?

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    Points of departure


    Like many I was fascinated by the recently opened St Pancras station (19 October, page 52).

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    A problem the size of Leeds


    With the emphasis on new build, it is easy to forget a vitally important and sustainable weapon in the battle to provide homes.

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    We can’t do it by ourselves


    We welcome the approach taken by the UK Green ڶ Council to lobby for a change in the definition of zero-carbon homes (20 November, www.building.co.uk).

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    In your article “Mini-cost model: Extra care housing” (9 November, page 62), the image of PRP’s scheme is that of Goodwin Court in the London Borough of Barnet, which is actually unrelated to the cost model in the article and is also not an example of the “extra care” model ...

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    ڶ buys a pint … for Atkin Chambers


    On the way out of the office Sarah, the news editor, calls me over. “Tell them about Roger Stewart,” she says. Come again? “Roger Stewart – Multiplex’s barrister.”