Opinion – Page 441

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    ڶ buys a pint … for the Sandblasters


    As with most great adventures, it started with a conversation over a drink in the pub. Or rather over a meal in the Ivy, where Steve happened to mention to his friends that he was good at running long distances.

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    Wonders & blunders


    A south London bus garage provides a stirring journey’s end while a hideous addition to the Thames riverside just spoils a good walk

  • ڶ's Thomas Lane and Mark Leftly

    How to survive... the Christmas party


    The ڶ office christmas party is tomorrow. We'll let you know on Monday if we took our own advice

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    A.R.T. Consultancy Ltd vs Navera Trading Ltd


    A.R.T. were engaged by Navera to carry out design and construction work to a property in London. They made claims for payment and then commenced adjudication. The adjudicator ordered a payment of £100,369 to A.R.T. together with the interest and fees. In these proceedings A.R.T. sought to enforce that decision.

  • Christmas lunch

    How to survive... Christmas lunch


    A chance to savour overcooked turkey and rock-hard sprouts, only this time it's with your colleagues...

  • Cat Christmas card

    How to survive... Christmas cards


    It's a political minefield - decide not to send any and you risk offending friends and family. Just don't leave it so late that the only cards left have cats dressed as Santa...

  • Carol singers

    How to survive... contributing to charity


    Feeling bad about indulging in Christmas consumerism? You could assuage your guilt by opting for Present Aid instead of frivolous gifts

  • Santa Claus

    How to survive... Secret Santa


    Looking forward to the Christmas party? Well, first you've got to buy that ever so witty, but not offensive, present for your colleague...

  • Comment

    Web watch — ‘Tis the season …


    … to grin and bear enforced office jollity, misuse of mistletoe and the ritual of Secret Santa. But don’t despair, Amanda Lopez is here with building4jobs.co.uk’s survival guide to Christmas

  • Rachel Barnes

    Not much agreement here …


    Rachel Barnes Ian Yule was less than enthusiastic about the revised RIBA agreement for the appointment of an architect, claiming it was biased in favour of the profession. Well, guess what? Architects aren’t happy about it either …

  • Comment

    Names can be hurtful


    Nicknaming buildings just reduces complex ideas into simplistic soundbites. Having said that, the Vol-au-vent does seem quite appropriate for HOK’s vile Olympic stadium …

  • Jules Harbage

    One over the eight at 8am


    Christmas means parties, and that means drinking alcohol, which is okay as long as you aren’t out first thing with a forklift or using heavy tools while still under the influence

  • Colin Harding

    Get stuck in


    HOK Sport’s Olympic Stadium Vol-au-vent is merely the hors d’oeuvre. We’re about to tuck in to a rich feast of design excellence at reasonable cost. It’s a victory for common sense

  • Comment

    My favourites … Nick Cullen


    This week

  • Hansom

    Rule Britannia


    There is cause to celebrate, because – despite efforts to prove otherwise – ours is still a country of mad dogs, prudish, tea-gulping Englishmen and the best, if not cleverest, eco-warriors in the world

  • The fire on the Olympic site in east London last month; sprinklers would have significantly reduced and cooled the smoke

    Fight fire with sprinklers


    I object to some of the comments made by Paul Timmins regarding the Local Government Association’s call for sprinklers to be fitted to all new buildings (16 November, page 36).

  • Comment

    High standard


    The criticism of the new RIBA Standard Agreement 2007 by Ian Yule (23 November, page 59) is inaccurate and self-serving.

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    Competition comment


    The quote in your article “Choose Wisely” (16 November, page 72) was inaccurate – we had won the RIBA’s Brooks Road Low Rise housing competition run for Newham council.

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    A no brainer


    Less than 10% of construction firms train apprentices and only eight of the 63 largest companies offer regular employment to an apprentice through ConstructionSkills.

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    ڶ buys a pint … for BPTW Partnerships


    Those good folk at architect BPTW know how to have a good time – as you can see from the roll-call of booze above.