Opinion – Page 440

  • Getaway

    How to survive... Happy Holidays!


    The best way around all festive pitfalls is, of course, not to be around when they occur...

  • Bon appetit

    How to survive... the canteen Christmas dinner


    All the embarrassment of the office Christmas dinner, but on work grounds, with worse food and no alcohol

  • Terry's Christmas

    How to survive... the company 'Christmas present'


    Or these days, the lack thereof - it's the time of giving, and we ain't too proud to beg...

  • ڶ magazine xmas card

    How to survive... the corporate Christmas card


    It's worth saving up at least one day's holiday for Christmas to avoid the photoshoot for the company card

  • Nurofen and glass of water

    How to survive... the Christmas party hangover


    If you've survived the office party, well done, but you're only half way there. You still have to overcome the dreaded work hangover

  • Office workers

    How to survive... working between Xmas and New Year


    Actually the festive season is a great time to be in the office - you get to avoid the in-laws while putting your feet up on your boss's desk

  • Champagne

    How to survive... Christmas gifts


    Just received a Christmas hamper from that ever so loyal client? Well be prepared to share it round or risk their green-eyed envy of your colleagues...

  • Comment

    Going legal


    As long as an adjudicator has considered the right question in a fair way, they’re free to make legal errors: the result will stand. But the legal issues are often complex and important: take global claims for example …

  • Comment

    Web watch — Logging off


    That’s it for 2007, the year that ڶ stepped into virtual reality, Hansom signed up to Facebook and we all shared our thoughts on the Korean toilet house.

  • Comment

    An element of clunk


     St Pancras station is, as we know, a remarkable restoration of a Victorian masterpiece of art and engineering. But that doesn’t mean it’s a brilliant building

  • Comment

    Gangmaster licences? Not for us, thanks


    Before we rush into legislation to protect foreign workers, let’s look at the facts, says Stephen Ratcliffe: the vast majority are highly skilled and unlikely ever to be exploited

  • Comment

    Top 2007 construction cases: The best of the worst


     This year was a relatively quiet one for King Kong vs Godzilla contests. But there were a few … so here’s six of the longest, bitterest and most important to brighten your Christmas. Unless, of course, you were actually in them

  • Hansom

    Winter wonderland


    A traditional yuletide mix of partying, heartbreak and simmering violence this week, seasoned with saucy humour, excessive punning and – hold on, where is that music coming from?

  • Comment

    A bit rich for a lawyer …


    Despite my respect for John Redmond, I find his complaint that adjudicators’ fees are too expensive a bit rich (16 November, page 77). This is because, in my experience, the increase in the cost of adjudication is due almost entirely to the influence of lawyers.

  • Comment

    Smoke without fire


    There is great speculation about the causes of the warehouse fire in Atherstone, Warwickshire, last month. Some of this is inappropriate and inaccurate, and seeks to make commercial gain by linking the untimely deaths of the firefighters with aspects of the construction.

  • Comment

    Old school


    Presumably the Wren Academy (23 November, page 54) will be busing in children from all over who suddenly discover an urge to learn about the built environment.

  • Comment



    Thank you for your article written on our project based in Andover, entitled “BedZed’s Baby” (housing supplement, 23 November, page 36).

  • Comment

    Quiz of the year


    Test your knowledge of 2007...

  • Denise Chevin

    Six stories that made a difference


    Carillion snaps up McAlpine, Bouygues buys Warings, Turner & Townsend floats on the stock exchange … the year is ending as it started, with a bang.