Opinion – Page 436

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    The QS is alive and well …


    The QS is a dying breed (18 January, page 21).

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    … and happy to be abroad


    I am an expat QS and a member of the RICS. Please, for the sake of my sanity and that of others, do not carry any articles about the RICS’ desire to have visa restrictions lifted for foreign QSs.

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    Put your pens down


    Are these firms that are imposing 5% cuts on their subcontractors (18 January, page 9) unaware of Latham, Egan and approaches such as Lean Construction to improving the efficiency of the supply chain?

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    Here's how


    I read with interest your piece “What’s missing is an understanding of what works and what doesn’t” (18 January, page 48).

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    The woodenheaded media


    A recent article in the Telegraph magazine disturbed me for displaying a conspicuous bias against PVCu windows and I wrote to the magazine to put the record straight.

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    University challenge


    Universities and employers do seem to be missing a trick when it comes to the use of construction students within the industry (18 January, page 52).

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Denise Chevin

    Is Prince Charles right?


    Prince Charles’ speech on new buildings in old places last week was not the bombshell lobbed by his “monstrous carbuncle” diatribe of 1984, which precipitated a nationwide reaction by planning authorities against modern architecture.

  • Colin Harding

    The solution


    For the past 50 years we’ve fretted and failed to find a way to make the most of prefabrication. Now we’ve cracked it, thanks to China, the humble shipping container and a way to make the most of both of them

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    Reinwood Ltd vs L Brown & Sons Ltd


    This appeal raised a point of interpretation of a standard JCT form of contract on which there appears to be no previous authority. The point turned on the relationship between clauses 24 (damages for non-completion), 25 (extension of time), 28 (determination by the contractor) and 30 (certificates and payment). ...

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    Can I have your attention, please?


    It’s not so difficult to open young people’s eyes to the excitements of the built environment. All it takes is a little creativity, hard cash and the ability to surprise

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    Open mike: Are you sitting comfortably?


    You’ve built your office and handed it over in all its pristine glory, but whether those actually working in it are happy – well, that’s not your business is it? Oh, but it is.

  • Dominic Helps

    You can’t always get what you want


     Here’s the story of a PFI scheme that caught fire. And it’s the story of how the parties then strained to construe their contracts in the most favourable way. Some were not successful

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    Challenging times


    There will be a lot of legal change this year, with major revisions to immigration law, more stringent health and safety regs and a move to increase new homes’ energy efficiency

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    Top 25 architect websites: Flash blindness


    Do you glaze over every time you have to navigate through endless animations on architects’ websites? Well, you’re not alone, says website expert Martin Hornagold

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    My favourites … Stephen Mills


    This week

  • Hansom

    Hansom Eye candy


    This week, why the Candy brothers’ £1bn Fitzrovia scheme is a no-no, subcontractors are put in their place and sex, politics and housing policy become strangely conjoined

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    ڶ buys a pint … for Constructing Excellence


    The Phoenix isn’t always this busy on a Tuesday night in January, apparently. Despite the markets going into freefall a few hours earlier, every chair and table in the room is taken and it’s standing room only at the bar.

  • Denise Chevin

    That was then, this is now


    So once the project team have finished sighing with relief, no doubt their chests will swell with pride: Terminal 5 has come in on time and to budget.

  • Comment

    The softly, softly approach


    Regarding the article “Housebuilders scramble to tackle credit crunch crisis” (18 January, page 9), while it is right that all organisations – clients, housebuilders, local authorities – have a focus on cost reduction, it is important to consider how best to go about it.