Opinion – Page 435

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    ڶ buys a pint … for London Projects, Bovis Lend Lease


    “What’s the only football team in the country whose name you can’t colour in?” asks ops director Simon. We ponder this for a while. “In either upper or lower case,” he adds helpfully.

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    Sir Bernard’s folly


    I note your interview with Sir Bernard Ingham.

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    Know your limits


    Shy Jackson (25 January, page 60) refers to the government’s renewed interest in the Law Commission proposals on reform of the law of time limitation.

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    Whose risk is it?


    In his legal column, James Bessey (25 January, page 59) tells us “there was a first and second layer of insurers. The first paid out, but the second reserved its position”. If the court has established liability, on what grounds can an insurer refuse to pay?

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    For the love of it


    With the long hours, job insecurity, capricious clients, and the quality of work life resulting from shoestring budgets (not to mention low pay) isn't it amazing anyone stays in this game (“Architects look abroad as staffing crisis deepens”, 1 February, page 15)?

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    City Inn vs Shepherd Construction: Time was on our side


    Shepherd Construction spent eight years arguing for a five-week extension on a hotel project in Bristol. Which gave its legal team plenty of time to hone its case …

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    JCT consultation: A sustainable strategy


    We all agree that sustainability, like apple pie, is a good thing, but we’re not sure how we should tackle it. The big stick of legislation, some gentle guidance, or a mixture of the two?

  • Denise Chevin

    A done deal, but is it a good one?


    Carillion boss John McDonough can’t be beaten for chutzpah.

  • Hansom

    Light relief


    Housing ministers, newspaper photographers and 7ft rats are left floundering in the dark, while the bright lights of the Sheds conference attract a merry horde of musicians, pranksters and talking frogs

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    Neil Martin Ltd vs Revenue & Customs Commissioners


    This was an appeal from a decision that the commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) could not be liable for breach of statutory duty or for breach of a common law duty of care in failing to process an application for a subcontractor’s tax certificate within a reasonable ...

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    Power and glory


    Like it or not, nuclear is an essential, if temporary, solution to our power needs. But this time, let’s not design the stations as ominous concrete hulks

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    Big train


    Open mike — We can crack the apprenticeship conundrum, says Denne Construction’s Nicholas Fowler, but only if clients create a business case for it

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    Great walls from China


    If China hadn’t been busy establishing a stone industry while ours was sliding into decline, we wouldn’t be able to supply the natural finishes that today’s green clients want

  • Mark Leftly

    Web watch — Meet the pundits


    ڶ.co.uk has gathered an illustrious panel of experts to guide you through the worlds of law, architecture and finance. Here, business writer Mark Leftly explains why PFI is always a safe bet

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    My favourites … Julian Symons


    This week

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    ڶ pulls a pint … for CMS Cameron McKenna


    By the time I arrive at the Hand and Shears, a mere 10 minutes late, Henry is already staring down the barrel of an empty glass. “A process of evaporation seems to have taken place,” he says.

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    Fair payment charter: Declaring peace


    Last year the Office of Government Commerce launched its Guide to Best Fair Payment Practices. It came into force on 1 January this year and applies to all public sector works contracts.

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    Who will abide by the rules?


    Do clients really want another measure to regulate payment? Judging by the slow take-up so far, possibly not …

  • Hansom

    Biting back


    This week we’ve got Reservoir Dogs without the reservoir, the results of the HBG vs University of Phoenix friendly, fashion tips for cyclists, Caribbean marriages … well, what more do you want?