Opinion – Page 432

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    ڶ buys cocktails … for McBains Cooper


    “You stand in the same place, by the same door, see the same people and don’t talk to them.”

  • Hansom



    We bring you tales of flamboyant Indian princes (well, an engineer from London), wonderful wildlife (a woodpecker infestation in Watford) and how the conquest of space will help you in your hour of need

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    Egan updated


    So Sir John Egan has finally been relieved of the burden of dragging the construction industry kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

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    Could do with a bit more planning


    The Planning Bill is proceeding smoothly through parliament, despite many unanswered questions and a worrying amount of vagueness …

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    Don’t let them get away with it


    Contractors are coming under pressure to agree to ‘discounts’ the client isn’t entitled to, says Peter English. But there’s no need to agree to them, as the following example shows

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Statutory demand for payment: Moorside Investments vs DAG Construction


    This was an application by Moorside Investments Ltd (“Moorside”) to restrain the presentation of a winding up petition based on a statutory demand by DAG Construction Ltd (“DAG”). The dispute arose out of a construction contract that was partly oral and partly in writing. The contract was partly made on ...

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    Foresight saga


    Analysis by the Construction Skills Network has revealed that there will be little or no construction growth by 2012. Sir Michael Latham explains why getting to grips with forecasting data is essential for future business

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    Playing safe


    More than half of the 4,000 major injuries reported by the industry last year were easily preventable. Here’s how to carry out an effective investigation

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    Turn of the screw


    Prosecutions under the revised CDM regulations won’t be reported until next year at the earliest. But it looks likely that we are on course for stricter compliance

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    Web watch Old news


    The industry has snubbed government plans to make all homes fit for pensioners by 2013 but, as our readers claim, this has been a successfully policy for years in Wales.

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    My favourites … Brendan Kerr


    This week

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building (pictured right) to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • The casino that never was: Ian Simpson’s original Manchester masterplan

    Dealt a poor hand


    “Manchester wins £10m consolation prize after supercasino shelved” – that’s a nice spin on things (building.co.uk, 28 February).

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    Let the legacy commence


    The Commission for a Sustainable London 2012 welcomes the launch of the legacy masterplan framework.

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    Be quick to claim


    The High Court has sent a clear warning to all professionals who buy or are required by law to carry professional indemnity (PI) insurance, to ensure they notify their insurer of any situations that might give rise to a claim.

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    Easy as LCC


    I would like to take issue with the headline to Peter Mayer’s excellent article on lifecycle costing (22 February, page 78).

  • Hansom

    Friends and foes


    This week, Zaha Hadid launches a scathing attack on England, John Armitt’s BlackBerry almost falls into the wrong hands and Balfour Beatty and Carillion ramp up their rivalry

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    ڶ buys a pint … for MCMS


    Straight off, Helena warns me not to expect Frank to speak. “He’s the strong silent type,” she explains. “A bit like Lurch from the Addams Family.”

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    Should we vote for Ken again?


    It may not have the drama of the race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, but the battle for the hot seat in London’s City Hall is every bit as fierce.