Opinion – Page 424

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    The bright side


    I know, I know … the OFT inquiry is a bit like being sprayed with chicken excrement while eating a three-course meal. But trust me, it doesn’t have to be like that

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    Throwaway remarks


    Our throwaway society may find it hard to imagine a building made up entirely of recycled components, but that is just what we have to do, says Tarek Merlin

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    So, what’s the damage?


    Construction companies accused by the OFT will be wondering how bad things are going to be for them. Here’s the answer

  • The baroque palace of Bruchsal was built in the 1720s and served as the official residence of the Bishops of Speyer. It was based on the plans of Maximilian von Welsch and later modified by Balthasar Neumann, the city’s chief engineer.

    Wonders & blunders


    An 18th-century reworking of a German palace is first class, but a student hostel in Oxford barely scrapes a third, says Daniel Moylan

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    Falling pound adds fuel to inflation fire in construction


    The latest inflation report from the Bank of England and the comments from the Governor Mervyn King have effectively put paid to hopes that interest rates are on the way down.Consumer Price Inflation leapt back to 3% in April and the Governor has prepared himself to write a series of ...

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    Gherkins and the City


    Have you noticed that there is a new measure in town - the Gherkin.Here are two recent examples.In the story about CEBR's estimate of 6,200 job losses in the City one gherkin equates to just over 3,000 City jobs.In the story about the estimate by Drivers Jonas that there will ...

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    Is private house building heading for its worst ever recorded downturn?


    The latest Government house building figures appear to add weight to growing fears that unless there is a dramatic turnaround in fortunes the number of private homes built this year could fall by a quarter or more.A fall of this scale would beat the 1974 drop of 24% in homes ...

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    Web watch Back to schools


    The three guest speakers at our online seminar on ڶ Schools for the Future attracted a lot of interest and questions. Chloë McCulloch gives a round-up and looks at the results of our viewer polls

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    My favourites … Geoff Taylor


    This week

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    ڶ buys a pint … for Abatec


    “ڶ magazine has ruined my sex life,” says Tim mid-way through the evening. On the surface it’s not a ringing endorsement for the publication, but he quickly explains: “I read it in bed because I need to know what’s going on, but the missus gets fed up.” Cue jokes ...

  • Hansom

    Keep it vague


    Mastering detail isn’t everyone’s strong point, of course, so it’s easy to think you’ve built more homes than you have, forget just when it was your boss left or fail to remember way back in March when T5 opened …

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    New towns, same old story


    Like many others, I predict that the 15 eco-town proposals (11 April, page 30) will prove contentious.

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    Anglo-Saxon attitude


    I am afraid Wayne Hemingway’s argument (9 May, pages 44-46) is very shallow and fails to justify why we need to destroy pretty areas of England to encourage yet more overpopulation.

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    Treasury trove


    Your leader column (9 May, page 3) reports that the first year for gathering figures for projects completed on time was 2001.

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    Bring on the managers


    The recent article on the NEC by John Redmond (2 May, page 63) missed a trick.

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    Jeremy Hackett


    I write to correct two facts included in your recent tribute to my late husband, Jeremy Hackett (25 April, page 14).

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    In the detail


    This week

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    Adjudication timetable: Edenbooth Ltd vs Cre8 Developments Ltd


    The claimant applied for summary judgment to enforce an adjudicator’s decision. The defendant was a development company who had engaged the claimant to carry out ground works at two adjacent properties. One of the properties was owned and occupied by a director of the defendant. The work was carried out. ...

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    Living on the front line


    Here’s the story of a solicitor whose knowledge of building was mainly from contract documents. Until she spent a week on site …

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    A very expensive way of saving a few bob


    Open mike - With the economy taking a dive, clients are trying to save money by ditching the main contractor. But they seem to have found no way to replace their skills and experience, says Luke Wessely